In summary, in GhostBSD 21.04.27 the kernel is by default slightly smaller, or the ntpd and wireguard services are repaired and the automatic configuration for the network cards has been removed from NetworkMgr.
What's new in GhostBSD 21.04.27
- GhostBSD is now based on FreeBSD 13.0-STABLE
- Devmatch and Devd are now fully functional
- Touch screen support
- Network configuration is done by devd
- Network service supports booting unique devices
- OpenZFS 2.0
- New ZFS services have been added
- Old ZFS services have been updated
- Setup has been improved for OPenZFS 2.0
- New icon theme
- OpenRC service enhancements
Minimum system requirements
64-bit processor
15 GB free hard disk space
Network card
Writing iso to a USB stick
dd if = GhostBSD-21.01.15.iso of = / dev / da0 bs = 4m
On Linux
dd if = GhostBSD-21.01.15.iso of = / dev / sdc bs = 4M
On the Mac
dd if = GhostBSD-21.01.15.iso of = / dev / disk2 bs = 10240