Archman - Xfce 2021-05 has been prepared to recognize unsupported video and wireless card drivers along with the previous ones. Unsupported driver packages have been updated.
You can start the system with open source, non-free or free options. For compiling and installing packages from the AUR repository, the compilation script package is included in the system. Archman GNU / Linux uses the PAMAC application as a package upload tool. The CALAMARES installer was used as a system charger. UEFI installation support is, of course, available.
As the default theme, the Qogir-Lite theme was used. As a font, the font type is Liberation Sans as the default font. The sddm connection manager was used as the connection manager instead of lightdm, which sometimes causes problems.
Also, in this version you will find a 70% scaled docking panel at the bottom, leaving maximum window space in smart usage mode.
Also in this version, the recently released stable version Xfce 4.16 as well as the Plasma Desktop version 5.21 were used and optimized.
Updated packages used in these versions:
linux 5.11.16.arch1-1 (linux kernel)
pamac-gold 10.1.1-1 (package installer)
surfn-icons-git 19.12-1 (icon set)
archman-settings-manager 0.5.5-8 (managing archman settings)
archman-example-files 20210422-1 (exemplary archman file types)
archman wallpapers 20200727-1 (archman wallpapers)
archman-xfce-settings 20210422-2 (default Archman Xfce settings)
Qogir-light-theme 20200209-1 (Integrating and improving window decoration: tulliana)
squid (system installer)
Firefox 88.0-1 (web browser) Xfce4 4.16 Stable version (desktop manager)
plasma-desktop 5.21.4-1 Stable Edition (desktop manager) plasma-frame 5.81.0-1
qt5-base 5.15.2 + kde + r188-1
libreoffice-still 7.0.5-3 (office applications)
gimp 2.10.24-3 (image editor)
inkscape 1.0.2-5 (vector editor)
yay 10.2.1-1 (AUR repository package build script)
Calamares slides (Tulliana - developer and basic works Archman (slides are all in .svg format)
Archman Wallpapers (tulliana-inkscape works)
Latest Unsupported Drivers - Updated
GOLD deposits are enabled by default.
YAY is used as a compilation script.
Multilib repositories are enabled by default.