
NomadBSD 130R-20210508 - change the versioning scheme

The main change in this version is the decision to change the versioning scheme to the following format: FFfX-YYYYMMDD, where FF is the main two-digit version FreeBSD, f is the minor version, and X represents ALPHA (A), BETA (B), RC , or RELEASE (R).

The new scheme allows you to provide images with different versions of FreeBSD.
The base system has been updated to FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE.
Partition alignment has been changed to 1M to improve write speed on flash drives.
A bug in which GLX is disabled has been fixed.
Drivers for VMware have been added.

NomadBSD is a persistent live system for USB flash drives, based on FreeBSD. Automatically detects and configures hardware to be used as a desktop system that works immediately, but can also be used for data recovery, for educational purposes or to test FreeBSD hardware compatibility.



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