
KaOS 2021.08 - remade Midna theme

KaOS 2021.08 recreates the Midna theme that has a uniform look for SDDM and lock screen with a transparent sidebar (darker), a cleaner screen and a darker look. The application menu has moved from the long-used cascade menu option to the new application launcher introduced with Plasma 5.22.

- KaOS aims to revise all Calamares modules in QML. This version adds two new converted QML modules, "Users and Summary".

- For the Plasma desktop, the latest Plasma (5.22.4) and Frameworks (5.85.0) are included. All built on Qt 5.15.2+.
- Updates based on this distribution include Systemd 249.3, Curl 7.78.0, IWD 1.16, NetworkManager 1.32.8, Mesa 21.1.7, Poppler 21.08.0, Vulkan 1.2.187 packages, Udisks 2.9.3, MLT 7.0.1, and Openexr 3.1.1.
- Qt 5.15.3 of the KDE.

- The Calamares installer has the added ability to transfer network settings from the Live system, so there is no need to enter the Wifi password again when starting the newly installed system.

- New applications added: speedtest-cli, mauikit-accounts and bibletime.

- The Linux kernel has all the necessary code components for a fully automatic Early Microcode update.

- KaOS uses the Systemd boot systemd provided for UEFI installations.

- LibreOffice has replaced Calligra as the default Office application for KaOS.

- This ISO uses CRC and finobt enabled XFS file system by default. CRCs allow for improved error detection due to hardware issues and provide the ability for various tools to validate and repair metadata corruptions when they are found.



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