
DistritoTux Edu, an educational distribution based on "Xubuntu" 20.04 and configured with the CUBIC program

DistritoTux Edu, an educational distribution based on "Xubuntu" 20.04 and configured with the CUBIC program (Custom Ubuntu ISO Creator), aimed especially at the Spanish-speaking community.

In "DistritoTux Edu" 41 educational programs have been selected and have been grouped into four categories, namely:

1. Educational games : Blinken, Pysycache, Childsplay, Omnitux, Gcompris, eduactiv8, Tux Math, Tux Typing and Kanagram.

2. Specific Programs: Scratch, Kturtle, Laby, Battery Blocks, Klettres, Catalog, Catalog and Xboard.

3. Programs: Marble, Step, Geogebra, Kig, CaRMetal, Stellarium, Kstars, Kbruch, jFractionLab, Kgeography, Kalzium, GPeriodic, Atomix, KAlgebra, KWordQuiz, Kmplot, Dia, Freeplane, VYM y GoldenDict.

4. Teacher support programs : JClic, GTick, MuseScore and Tuxguitar.

Documentation has been prepared for the use of educational games and some specific programs directly related to school work.

1. Programs and their characteristics : PDF document with the 41 programs and their main characteristics

2. Skills and Educational Programs : PDF document that establishes relationships between the skills of "Memory", "Auditory Discrimination", "Visual Search", "Analysis and Synthesis", "Logical Associations", "Fine Motor Skills", "Reading -Writing" and Mathematics" with the programs and educational games exposed and mentioned



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