
Nitrux 2.0.0 - updates, bug fixes, performance improvements

- KDE Plasma to version 5.23.5, KDE Frameworks to version 5.90.0, KDE Gear to version 21.12.1.
- Firefox to version 96.0.
- Pacstall to version 1.7.1.
- LibreOffice to version 7.5.2.
- -tweaked our default configuration to provide smoother KWin performance and overall system responsiveness.
- -added a package to include firmware for AMD GPUs unavailable in the kernel packages.
- -changed the theme for powerlevel10k to a basic version due to a bug with Station and Nota (see Known Issues).
- reduced the size of both ISO files to 2.3G and 1.3G for the standard ISO and minimal ISO, respectively.

Sidenote: The minimal ISO includes the package ‘linux-firmware’ that increases the size of the ISO to 1.3G; without it, the file size would be around 800M (or less); however, we’d reckon to remove it would cause users various issues.

-updated our OpenRC configuration to allow TTYs to function in the distribution properly and reduced the default TTYs to two (TTY2 and TTY3).
- included the Intel and AMD microcode as early boot code in the ISO for required systems.
- added the i945, Nouveau, and AMDGPU drivers in the initrd of our ISO for systems that require it.
- include MESA 21.3.5 by default (the latest stable version as of this post); however, we’d like to remind users that MESA 22.0 (from git-master) is available to install; see Notes.
- have updated the Latte layouts and added nx-floating-panel-dark, the default layout pictured above. The layout is similar to previous versions. There’s a top panel and a dock; however, we moved the application menu to the dock. Next, a plasmoid (Configurable Button) will activate Parachute (the overview). The task manager is in the middle, and a trash shortcut is next to the session controls.

- The application menu is not the Ditto menu; it’s Launchpad Plasma (thanks to adhe) in this Latte layout.
- The top panel includes the window controls, title, global menu, and system tray.

- As windows will be borderless, some windows do not support moving the window if it’s not from the window decoration (for example, Telegram when using native window decorations, or Electron apps that use native window decorations).

- We will no longer provide updated Linux kernel version 5.4 and 5.10 LTS from our repositories.
- We have removed Kdenlive, Inkscape, and GIMP from the default installation; however, these AppImages are still available in a separate package called nx-desktop-appimages-studio also includes Blender and LMMS.

sudo apt install nx-desktop-appimages-studio

- We have removed the AppImage of Wine as its maintainer hadn’t updated it in many months. As a replacement, we recommend users download the AppImage of Bottles (Bottles introduces a new way to handle Windows prefixes using environments, a combination of ready-to-use settings, libraries, and dependencies).
- We have removed nano from the default list of CLI apps and replaced it with micro.
- We have removed Heroic Games Launcher from the default installation.



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