Q & A

  • GNULinux
  • 2 years ago

We experiece alot of occasions lately that ppl are trying to crack a wordpress “admin”  login. to post spam or something on a wordpress blog.

Change the standard username / password if u wanna be safe and dont wanna have a hosting company complain at u. We have been experiencing a higher load then useual on our shared servers lately.

If someone wont respond then we take action and use one of the following samples:

Create a .htaccess file or edit it, and put in the following:

<Files wp-login.php>
AuthUserFile /home/vhosts/kwomkwommr.nl/www/.htpasswd
AuthName “Private access”
AuthType Basic
require valid-user

Generate a .passwd file on the desired location:

htpasswd -c /home/vhosts/kwomkwommr.nl/www/.htpasswd username

I know, i havent done anything like that yet, i dont care till i will be spammed till a load of 10, and then ill see if i use this or use any of the following options on the WordPress FAQ