Data | 2020-07-22
Opinion English From history - the openSUSE Romania community - GNU/Linux
From history - the openSUSE Romania community

December 2008 marked the appearance of a new version of the openSUSE linux distribution, namely 11.1. This was probably the most beautiful moment that most openSUSE communities around the world celebrated. In our lands, the launch event of openSUSE 11.1 in December culminated with the...

Opinion Romana Din istorie - Comunitatea openSUSE Romania - GNU/Linux
Din istorie - Comunitatea openSUSE Romania

Luna decembrie din anul 2008 marca aparitia unei noi versiuni a distributiei linux openSUSE, anume 11.1. Probabil acest lucru a fost cel mai frumos moment pe care majoritatea comunitatilor openSUSE de pe glob l-au sarbatorit. Pe meleagurile noastre evenimentul lansarii openSUSE 11.1 din luna...