Data | 2020-08-06
Aplication Romana LibreOffice 7.0 este noua versiune majora care ofera 3 functii noi, semnificative - GNU/Linux
LibreOffice 7.0 este noua versiune majora care ofera 3 functii noi, semnificative

LibreOffice 7.0 este noua versiune majora a celei mai bune aplicatii de birou FOSS disponibila pe toate sistemele de operare si platformele. Proiectul LibreOffice anunta disponibilitatea imediata a LibreOffice 7.0, o noua versiune majora care ofera...

Aplication English LibreOffice 7.0 is the major new version that offers 3 significant new features - GNU/Linux
LibreOffice 7.0 is the major new version that offers 3 significant new features

LibreOffice 7.0 is the new major version of the best FOSS desktop application available on all operating systems and platforms. The LibreOffice project announces the immediate availability of LibreOffice 7.0, a major new version that offers...

Aplication Romana PHP 8.0.0 Beta 1 este disponibil acum pentru testare - GNU/Linux
PHP 8.0.0 Beta 1 este disponibil acum pentru testare

PHP 8.0.0, Beta 1 continua ciclul de lansare al PHP 8.0. PHP 8 aduce un set de noi functii, cum ar fi compilatorul JIT , tipuri de uniune , atribute si multe altele. Atentie: Testati cu atentie aceasta versiune si...

Aplication English PHP 8.0.0 Beta 1 is now available for testing - GNU/Linux
PHP 8.0.0 Beta 1 is now available for testing

PHP 8.0.0, Beta 1 continues the release cycle of PHP 8.0. PHP 8 brings a set of new functions, such as the JIT compiler, union types, attributes and more. Caution: Carefully test this version and report any problems found...

Opinion English Is SMS on the verge of extinction? - GNU/Linux
Is SMS on the verge of extinction?

SMS, a service of the same age as the first mobile phones to appear, extremely useful in certain situations, continues to exist and is currently used by a significant number of mobile phone owners. This is despite the unprecedented evolution in this field, simple phones becoming in the last...

Opinion Romana SMS-ul este pe cale de disparitie? - GNU/Linux
SMS-ul este pe cale de disparitie?

SMS-ul, un serviciu de aceeasi vârsta cu primele telefoane mobile aparute, extrem de util in anumite situatii, continua sa existe si sa fie folosit in prezent de un numar semnificativ de posesori de telefoane mobile. Asta in ciuda evolutiei fara precedent in acest domeniu, simple telefoane...