Data | 2020-08-30
IOT Romana Sirius, asistentul personal pentru Linux - GNU/Linux
Sirius, asistentul personal pentru Linux

Siri al celor de la Apple, Cortana cea nefunctionala a celor de la Microsoft, Echo-ul celor de la Amazon, ori destul de limitatul, pentru moment, Google Now, exercita o atractie uriasa la nivelul publicului utilizator. Campaniile publicitare ale Apple sau Microsoft nu mai contenesc a...

IOT English Sirius, the personal assistant for Linux - GNU/Linux
Sirius, the personal assistant for Linux

Apple's Siri, Microsoft's non-functional Cortana, Amazon's Echo, or rather limited, for now, Google Now, has a huge appeal to the user public. Apple or Microsoft advertising campaigns no longer contain to highlight the usefulness, complexity and functionality of this type of...