Data | 2020-08-31
Romana Modalitati de monitorizare a performantei in Ubuntu - Gnome System Monitor, Top, Htop - GNU/Linux
Modalitati de monitorizare a performantei in Ubuntu - Gnome System Monitor, Top, Htop

Din când in când este recomandat sa verificam la ce parametri functioneaza computerul pentru a observa care aplicatii/procese nu sunt foarte eficiente si consuma resurse exces, ingreunând sistemul sau provocând cresteri...

English Ways to monitor performance in Ubuntu - Gnome System Monitor, Top, Htop - GNU/Linux
Ways to monitor performance in Ubuntu - Gnome System Monitor, Top, Htop

From time to time it is recommended to check the parameters of the computer to see which applications / processes are not very efficient and consume excess resources, making the system difficult or causing unjustified increases in component temperature (processor,...