Data | 2020-09-05
Aplication Romana Aplicatia finlandeza Koronavilkku Covid-19 - solutie open source sub licenta publica a Uniunii Europene - GNU/Linux
Aplicatia finlandeza Koronavilkku Covid-19 - solutie open source sub licenta publica a Uniunii Europ...

Aplicatia finlandeza Koronavilkku Covid-19 a fost declarata ca o solutie open source sub licenta publica a Uniunii Europene (EUPL). Software-ul Koronavilkku este dezvoltat de Institutul finlandez pentru sanatate si bunastare...

Aplication English Finnish application Koronavilkku Covid-19 - open source solution under public license of the European Union - GNU/Linux
Finnish application Koronavilkku Covid-19 - open source solution under public license of the Europea...

The Finnish application Koronavilkku Covid-19 has been declared an open source solution under a public license of the European Union (EUPL). Koronavilkku software is developed by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare...

Aplication Romana Ce este si cum functioneaza Ritchie? - GNU/Linux
Ce este si cum functioneaza Ritchie?

Ritchie este un framework open source care creeaza si modifica un CLI pentru echipa ta. Va permite sa creati, sa creati si sa partajati cu usurinta formule. În prezent, Ritchie are doua versiuni disponibile . Cum functioneaza Ritchie? Într-un context...

Aplication English What is and how does Ritchie work? - GNU/Linux
What is and how does Ritchie work?

Ritchie is an open source framework that creates and modifies a CLI for your team. It allows you to easily create, create and share formulas. Ritchie currently has two versions available. How does Ritchie work? In a general context, the common process for executing a project is to...