Data | 2020-09-09
Tutorial Romana Comenzi Linux care ne ajuta sa ne cunoastem mai bine sistemul - GNU/Linux
Comenzi Linux care ne ajuta sa ne cunoastem mai bine sistemul

Cei care folosesc cel putin o distributie Linux stiu deja ca aceste sisteme de operare, desi gratuite, sunt suficient de dezvoltate asfel incât mediul grafic utilizat, fie el Unity, Gnome, Mate, Cinnamon, KDE etc. permite desfasurarea unei game largi de activitati,...

Tutorial English Linux commands that help us get to know our system better - GNU/Linux
Linux commands that help us get to know our system better

Those who use at least one Linux distribution already know that these operating systems, although free, are sufficiently developed that the graphical environment used, be it Unity, Gnome, Mate, Cinnamon, KDE, etc. allows the development of a wide range of activities, including...