Data | 2020-09-26
Security Romana Care sunt simptomele unei tablete sau al unui telefon virusat? - GNU/Linux
Care sunt simptomele unei tablete sau al unui telefon virusat?

Nu conteaza ca tableta sau telefonul tau inteligent ruleaza Android sau Windows, oricând si oriunde virusii iti pot compromite sistemul si te pot lasa cu datorii financiare imense, stres si pagube la capitolul imagine. De obicei, atunci când esti mai sigur pe tine...

Security English What are the symptoms of a tablet or a infected phone? - GNU/Linux
What are the symptoms of a tablet or a infected phone?

It doesn't matter that your tablet or smartphone is running Android or Windows, anytime and anywhere viruses can compromise your system and leave you with huge financial debts, stress and image damage. Usually, when you are more confident or the world is dearer to you, you suffer...