Data | 2020-10-09
Opinion Romana  Revolutia care a transformat aproape peste noapte modul in care arata si se misca sistemele de operare bazate pe Linux - GNU/Linux
Revolutia care a transformat aproape peste noapte modul in care arata si se misca sistemele de oper...

Cu precadere in ultimii ani, suspect de rapid din punctul de vedere a linux-arilor conservatori, are loc o evolutie care a transformat aproape peste noapte modul in care arata, se misca, functioneaza si se simt sistemele...

Opinion English The revolution that transformed the way Linux-based operating systems look and move almost overnight - GNU/Linux
The revolution that transformed the way Linux-based operating systems look and move almost overnight

Especially in recent years, suspected to be fast in terms of conservative Linux, there is an evolution that has transformed almost overnight the way Linux-based operating systems look, move, work and feel. To the joy of most and...