Data | 2020-10-17
Aplication English f.lux - Linux application that protects your eyes - GNU/Linux
f.lux - Linux application that protects your eyes

We spend hours every day in front of the computer, both at work and at home. We live a large part of our lives online, working, socializing, playing games, watching movies, etc. This contemporary lifestyle inevitably leaves its mark on our health. Physically, vision suffers the...

Aplication Romana Inca o aplicatie pe care trebuie sa o ai - Wallch 4.x - GNU/Linux
Inca o aplicatie pe care trebuie sa o ai - Wallch 4.x

Wallch este un soft open source ajuns la versiunea 4.x. Acesta intra cu usurinta intr-un top 30 al aplicatiilor recomandate, fiind extrem de util pe nenumarate distributii GNU/Linux. Pe scurt, aplicatia este un schimbator de wallpapere si ofera utiliatorului, printre...

Aplication English Another application you need to have - Wallch 4.x - GNU/Linux
Another application you need to have - Wallch 4.x

Wallch is an open source software up to version 4.x. It easily enters a top 30 of recommended applications, being extremely useful on countless GNU / Linux distributions. In short, the application is a wallpaper changer and offers the user, among many other functions,...