Data | 2020-11-13
Aplication Romana Joplin este o aplicatie gratuita, open source - note organizate in caiete - GNU/Linux
Joplin este o aplicatie gratuita, open source - note organizate in caiete

Notele pot fi cautate, pot fi copiate, etichetate si modificate fie din aplicatie direct, fie din propriul editor de text. Notele sunt in format Markdown. Notele exportate din Evernote (.enex) pot fi importate in Joplin, inclusiv continutul formatat (care...

Aplication English Joplin is a free, open source application - notes organized in notebooks - GNU/Linux
Joplin is a free, open source application - notes organized in notebooks

Notes can be searched, copied, tagged and modified either from the application directly or from your own text editor. The notes are in Markdown format. Notes exported from Evernote (.enex) can be imported into Joplin, including formatted content (which is...