Data | 2020-11-30
Distro Romana TheSSS 35.0 lansat cu actualizari ale serverului LAMP - GNU/Linux
TheSSS 35.0 lansat cu actualizari ale serverului LAMP

TheSSS 35.0 este o versiune majora bazata pe 4MLinux Server 35.0, ceea ce inseamna ca componentele serverului LAMP sunt acum: Linux 5.75 , Apache 2.4.4 6 , MariaDB 10.5.7 si PHP (ambele 5.6. 40 si 7. 4.12 ). Aveti posibilitatea sa actualizati TheSSS prin executare...

Distro English TheSSS 35.0 released with LAMP server updates - GNU/Linux
TheSSS 35.0 released with LAMP server updates

TheSSS 35.0 is a major version based on 4MLinux Server 35.0, which means that the components of the LAMP server are now: Linux 5.75, Apache 2.4.4 6, MariaDB 10.5.7 and PHP (both 5.6. 40 and 7. 4.12). You can update TheSSS by running the " ZK update "...

Distro Romana Nitrux 1.3.5 reuneste cele mai recente actualizari de software - GNU/Linux
Nitrux 1.3.5 reuneste cele mai recente actualizari de software

Nitrux 1.3.5 reuneste cele mai recente actualizari de software, remedieri de erori, imbunatatiri de performanta si suport hardware gata de utilizat. Ce este nou in acesata versiune: - Actualizat nucleul la versiunea 5.4.75. De asemenea, ofera cel...

Distro English Nitrux 1.3.5 brings together the latest software updates - GNU/Linux
Nitrux 1.3.5 brings together the latest software updates

Nitrux 1.3.5 brings together the latest software updates, bug fixes, performance improvements and ready-to-use hardware support. What's new in this version: - Updated the kernel to version 5.4.75. It also offers the latest non-LTS...

Distro Romana GhostBSD 20.11.28 utilizeaza compresia ZFS - GNU/Linux
GhostBSD 20.11.28 utilizeaza compresia ZFS

Aceasta versiune vine cu un nou sistem live care utilizeaza compresia ZFS introdusa pentru prima data in FuryBSD de Joe Maloney. Versiunea 20.11.28 contine numeroase imbunatatiri, inclusiv remedieri ale sistemului de operare pentru linuxulator pentru a imbunatati performantele Linux...

Distro English GhostBSD 20.11.28 uses ZFS compression - GNU/Linux
GhostBSD 20.11.28 uses ZFS compression

This version comes with a new live system that uses ZFS compression first introduced in FuryBSD by Joe Maloney. Version 20.11.28 contains many enhancements, including linuxulator operating system fixes to improve the performance of Linux Steam, an updated kernel, and GhostBSD userland...