Data | 2020-12-04
Distro Romana Raspberry Pi OS - decembrie 2020 - GNU/Linux
Raspberry Pi OS - decembrie 2020

Iata o prezentare a principalelor caracteristici noi pe care le veti gasi in Raspberry Pi OS - decembrie 2020: Actualizat browserul Chromium la versiunea 84 Flash Player este retras de Adobe la sfârsitul anului, asa ca aceasta versiune va fi ultima care o include. ...

Distro English Raspberry Pi OS - December 2020 - GNU/Linux
Raspberry Pi OS - December 2020

Here is a presentation of the main new features that you will find in Raspberry Pi OS - December 2020: Updated the Chromium browser to version 84 Flash Player is withdrawn by Adobe at the end of the year, so this version will be the last to include it. PulseAudio...