Data | 2021-01-08
Web Romana Reteaua Globala Creative Commons este formata acum din 46 de tari pe tot globul - GNU/Linux
Reteaua Globala Creative Commons este formata acum din 46 de tari pe tot globul

Dupa CC Italia in iulie 2020, Olanda CC in august 2020, CC Bangladesh in septembrie 2020, CC Tanzania in octombrie 2020, CC India in noiembrie 2020 si CC Mexic in decembrie 2020, urmeaza CC Argentina! Reteaua Creative Commons...

Web English The Creative Commons Global Network now consists of 46 countries around the globe - GNU/Linux
The Creative Commons Global Network now consists of 46 countries around the globe

After CC Italy in July 2020, CC Netherlands in August 2020, Bangladesh CC in September 2020, Tanzania CC in October 2020, India CC in November 2020 and Mexico CC in December 2020, CC Argentina follows! The Creative Commons Global Network...

Featured Romana Majoritatea respondentilor unui sondaj penSUSE folosesc Plasma KDE ca mediu desktop - GNU/Linux
Majoritatea respondentilor unui sondaj penSUSE folosesc Plasma KDE ca mediu desktop

Rezultatele sondajului au furnizat câteva informatii interesante. - Cel mai mare procent de utilizatori au avut vârste cuprinse intre 35 si 49 de ani. Mai mult de jumatate dintre respondenti erau din...

Featured English Most respondents to a OpenSUSE survey use KDE Plasma as a desktop environment - GNU/Linux
Most respondents to a OpenSUSE survey use KDE Plasma as a desktop environment

The results of the survey provided some interesting information. - The highest percentage of users were between 35 and 49 years old. More than half of the respondents were from Europe; America accounted for about a quarter of respondents and...

Aplication Romana PHP 8.0.1 - versiune de remediere a erorilor - GNU/Linux
PHP 8.0.1 - versiune de remediere a erorilor

Echipa de dezvoltare PHP anunta o noua versiune de remediere a erorilor si anume PHP 8.0.1. Toti utilizatorii PHP 8.0 sunt incurajati sa faca upgrade la aceasta versiune. Modificari: Version 8.0.1 ...