Data | 2021-01-27
Distro Romana EasyOS Dunfell 2.6.1 lansat pentru Raspberry Pi4 - GNU/Linux
EasyOS Dunfell 2.6.1 lansat pentru Raspberry Pi4

Prima versiune a seriei EasyOS Dunfell pentru Raspberry Pi4 a fost versiunea 2.6, lansata pe 19 ianuarie. Modificari de pachete in 2.6.1: SeaMonkey este acum versiunea 2.53.6 si include modulul de chat IRC, ffmpeg este...

Distro English EasyOS Dunfell 2.6.1 released for Raspberry Pi4 - GNU/Linux
EasyOS Dunfell 2.6.1 released for Raspberry Pi4

The first version of the EasyOS Dunfell series for the Raspberry Pi4 was version 2.6, released on January 19th. Package changes in 2.6.1: SeaMonkey is now version 2.53.6 and includes IRC chat module, ffmpeg is 4.3.1. LibreOffice estela...

Distro Romana Collapse OS, un sistem de operare pentru doomsday - GNU/Linux
Collapse OS, un sistem de operare pentru doomsday

Collapse OS e ste un sistem de operare Forth s i o colectie de instrumente si documentatie cu un singur scop: pastrarea capacitatii de a programa microcontrolere ....

Distro English Collapse OS, a doomsday operating system - GNU/Linux
Collapse OS, a doomsday operating system

Collapse OS is a Forth operating system and a collection of tools and documentation with a single purpose: maintaining the ability to program microcontrollers . Options: Driving on minimal and improvised cars. Interface by improvised means (serial,...