Data | 2021-02-10
Distro English Finnix 122, LiveCD for system administrators - GNU/Linux
Finnix 122, LiveCD for system administrators

Finnix 122, the LiveCD for system administrators , includes a number of new fixes, packages, and features. Finnix 122 Release Notes: Improved USB flash drive startup compatibility on older BIOSes Improved loading speed Low ISO...

Distro Romana Finnix 122, LiveCD pentru administratorii de sistem - GNU/Linux
Finnix 122, LiveCD pentru administratorii de sistem

Finnix 122, LiveCD pentru administratorii de sistem , include o serie de remedieri, pachete si functii noi. Notele de lansare Finnix 122 : Compatibilitate imbunatatita de pornire a...

Distro Romana OPNsense 21.1.1 - actualizari de securitate si fiabilitate - GNU/Linux
OPNsense 21.1.1 - actualizari de securitate si fiabilitate

OPNsense 21.1.1 vine cu imbunatatiri si adaptâri de baza de cod. Modificarile acestei actualizari stabile sunt un amestec de actualizari de securitate si fiabilitate, impreuna cu pregatirile pentru actualizarea cadrului de actualizare 21.7....

Distro English OPNsense 21.1.1 - security and reliability updates - GNU/Linux
OPNsense 21.1.1 - security and reliability updates

OPNsense 21.1.1 comes with basic code enhancements and adaptations. Changes to this stable update are a mix of security and reliability updates, along with preparations to update the update framework 21.7. Here are the release notes: A firewall: To...

Aplication Romana h5ai - indexer de fisiere modern pentru servere web HTTP - GNU/Linux
h5ai - indexer de fisiere modern pentru servere web HTTP

h5ai este un indexer de fisiere modern pentru servere web HTTP. Directoarele sunt afisate in stil arbore. Initial h5ai era un acronim pentru HTML5 Apache Index, dar acum accepta si alte servere web. Necesita...

Aplication English h5ai - modern file indexer for HTTP web servers - GNU/Linux
h5ai - modern file indexer for HTTP web servers

h5ai is a modern file indexer for HTTP web servers. Directories are displayed in tree style. Initially h5ai was an acronym for HTML5 Apache Index, but now it supports other web servers. Requires PHP 7.0+ and works well with Apache httpd , lighttpd and nginx . The best user...