Data | 2021-02-11
Featured Romana Cum sa obtii un abonamentul gratuit Red Hat Enterprise Linux - GNU/Linux
Cum sa obtii un abonamentul gratuit Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Acum câteva saptamâni, Red Hat a anuntat noul abonament Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) , gratuit . In continuare aveti un ghid rapid pentru dezvoltatorii care doresc sa configureze un abonament si sa inceapa sa-l utilizeze imediat. 1. Daca nu aveti un cont Red Hat,...

Featured English How to get a free Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription - GNU/Linux
How to get a free Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription

A few weeks ago, Red Hat announced the new free Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) subscription. Below is a quick guide for developers who want to set up a subscription and start using it right away. 1. If you do not have a Red Hat account, navigate to the Red Hat Customer Portal and...

Featured Romana SHAKTI, este o initiativa open-source ce produce si dezvolta procesoare de productie, SoC-uri, placi de dezvoltare si o platforma software - GNU/Linux
SHAKTI, este o initiativa open-source ce produce si dezvolta procesoare de productie, SoC-uri, placi...

SHAKTI este o initiativa open-source a grupului Reconfigurable Intelligent Systems Engineering (RISE) de la IIT-Madras. Scopul SHAKTI este de a produce procesoare de productie, System on Chips (SoC), placi de...

Featured English SHAKTI, is an open-source initiative that produces and develops production processors, SoCs, development boards and a software platform - GNU/Linux
SHAKTI, is an open-source initiative that produces and develops production processors, SoCs, develop...

SHAKTI is an open-source initiative of the Reconfigurable Intelligent Systems Engineering (RISE) group at IIT-Madras. SHAKTI's goal is to produce production processors, System on Chips (SoC), development...

Tutorial English  Information retrieval from $HOME - GNU/Linux
Information retrieval from $HOME

Like everyone else, when I first encountered tree directory systems, I thought they were a marvelous way to organize information. I've been around computers since 1983, and have staunchly struggled to keep files and directories neatly organized. My physical filing cabinet has always been a mess, but I...