Data | 2021-02-13
Distro Romana Virage 3.2 - noua generatie de distributii DAW Linux fara systemd - GNU/Linux
Virage 3.2 - noua generatie de distributii DAW Linux fara systemd

Virage 3.2 este forma finala a noii generatii de distributii DAW Linux fara systemd. Actualizarile minore ale software-ului userland si unele remedieri majore ale stivei audio in timp real . Kernel-ul Linux a fost actualizat la XanMod 5.10 RT ...

Distro English Virage 3.2 - the new generation of Linux DAW distributions without systemd - GNU/Linux
Virage 3.2 - the new generation of Linux DAW distributions without systemd

Virage 3.2 is the final form of the new generation of Linux DAW distributions without systemd. Minor userland software updates and some major real-time audio stack fixes. The Linux kernel has been updated to XanMod 5.10 RT New...

Distro Romana Salutati lansarea OpenMandriva Lx 4.2 - GNU/Linux
Salutati lansarea OpenMandriva Lx 4.2

OpenMandriva Lx este o distributie unica si independenta, descendenta a Mandriva Linux si prima distributie Linux care foloseste implicit lantul de instrumente LLVM din 2015. ...

Distro English Welcome to the launch of OpenMandriva Lx 4.2 - GNU/Linux
Welcome to the launch of OpenMandriva Lx 4.2

OpenMandriva Lx is a unique and independent distribution, descended from Mandriva Linux and the first Linux distribution to use the 2015 LLVM tool chain by default . OMLx 4.2 is now even easier to use with the improved OM Welcome, which makes it possible to install a range of...