Data | 2021-03-16
Tutorial Romana Instalarea actualizarilor din LVFS - BIOS 1.5.0 Star Lite - GNU/Linux
Instalarea actualizarilor din LVFS - BIOS 1.5.0 Star Lite

Acest ghid va va arata cum sa instalati actualizari din LVFS (Linux Vendor Firmware Service) in terminal, care va va permite sa descarcati si sa instalati actualizari in siguranta. Instalare terminal: Deschideti o fereastra...

Tutorial English Installing updates from LVFS - BIOS 1.5.0 Star Lite - GNU/Linux
Installing updates from LVFS - BIOS 1.5.0 Star Lite

This guide will show you how to install updates from LVFS (Linux Vendor Firmware Service) in the terminal, which will allow you to download and install updates safely. Terminal installation: Open a terminal window and enter the...

Distro Romana Voyager K 20.04 LTS, ofera 5 ani de actualizari - GNU/Linux
Voyager K 20.04 LTS, ofera 5 ani de actualizari

Versiunea K va fi lansata in curând si se va baza pe Voyager K 20.04 LTS cu optiunile sale incorporate. Voyager K aduce cu sine desktopul Gnome in versiunea 3.36 bazat pe Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS si Kernel in versiunea 5.8 . Toate complet reproiectate...

Distro English Voyager K 20.04 LTS, offers 5 years of updates - GNU/Linux
Voyager K 20.04 LTS, offers 5 years of updates

The K version will be released soon and will be based on the Voyager K 20.04 LTS with its built-in options. Voyager K brings with it the Gnome desktop in version 3.36 based on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS and Kernel in version 5.8. All completely redesigned...

Tutorial English The Scalability of Ruby - GNU/Linux
The Scalability of Ruby

There are lots of reasons to like Ruby. It's a pure object oriented language. The syntax is elegant, and the use of blocks creates a novel feel. Another reason to like Ruby is its scalability. I don't mean scalability in the performance sense, but in regards to how you can code simple Ruby macros...