Data | 2021-04-16
Tutorial Romana Cum sa adaugi un disk raw pentru Oracle ASM - GNU/Linux
Cum sa adaugi un disk raw pentru Oracle ASM

Sunt convins ca va-ti lovit de situatia in care un disk raw folosit de o baza de date Oracle (ASM si cluster) s-a umplut si cei de la base de date au cerut o extindere de disk sau adaugarea unui LUN (raw disk) nou. In asemenea situatii este recomandat sa se adauge un disk raw nou si sa...

Tutorial English How to add a raw disk for Oracle ASM - GNU/Linux
How to add a raw disk for Oracle ASM

I am convinced that you were struck by the situation in which a raw disk used by an Oracle database (ASM and cluster) was filled and those in the database requested a disk expansion or the addition of a new LUN (raw disk). In such situations it is recommended to add a new raw disk and NOT to...

Opinion Romana Linux vs. Windows - batalia eterna sau sfarsitul razboiului? - GNU/Linux
Linux vs. Windows - batalia eterna sau sfarsitul razboiului?

Pentru imensa majoritate a celor care stau in fata calculatoarelor, acestea sunt aparate de care se folosesc pentru scopuri ca: scrisori, texte, referate, tabele, cautari in bazele de date (create de altii). Fiind intrebati de Windows; Windows? Da lucreaza cu asa ceva. Ce este...

Opinion English Linux vs. Windows - the eternal battle or the end of the war? - GNU/Linux
Linux vs. Windows - the eternal battle or the end of the war?

For the vast majority of those who sit in front of computers, these are devices that are used for purposes such as: letters, texts, papers, tables, searches in databases (created by others). Being asked by Windows; Windows? Yes, he works with something like that. What...