Data | 2021-05-06
Featured Romana Creative Commons solicita UE renuntarea la protectia IP pentru vaccinurile COVID - GNU/Linux
Creative Commons solicita UE renuntarea la protectia IP pentru vaccinurile COVID

Katherine Tait, Ambasadorului SUA al administratiei Biden-Harris sustine renuntarea la protectia IP pentru vaccinurile COVID. Catherine Stihler de la Creative Commons a luat...

Featured English Creative Commons calls on EU to give up IP protection for COVID vaccines - GNU/Linux
Creative Commons calls on EU to give up IP protection for COVID vaccines

Katherine Tait, US Ambassador to the Biden-Harris Administration, supports the waiver of IP protection for COVID vaccines. Catherine Stihler of Creative Commons has taken a stand on this topic: As we all know, there is a...

Distro Romana Archman - Xfce si KDE-Plasma 2021-05 - nume de cod: Mardin  - GNU/Linux
Archman - Xfce si KDE-Plasma 2021-05 - nume de cod: Mardin

Archman - Xfce 2021-05 a fost pregatit sa recunoasca drivere de placi video si wireless neacceptate, odata cu cele precedente. Pachetele de drivere neacceptate au fost actualizate. Puteti porni sistemul cu optiuni sursa deschisa, non-gratuite sau...

Distro English Archman - Xfce and KDE-Plasma 2021-05 - code name: Mardin - GNU/Linux
Archman - Xfce and KDE-Plasma 2021-05 - code name: Mardin

Archman - Xfce 2021-05 has been prepared to recognize unsupported video and wireless card drivers along with the previous ones. Unsupported driver packages have been updated. You can start the system with open source, non-free or free options. For...