Data | 2021-05-10
Aplication Romana Kodi Matrix 19.1- versiune de remediere a erorilor - GNU/Linux
Kodi Matrix 19.1- versiune de remediere a erorilor

Aceasta este o versiune de remediere a erorilor, si cateva mici caracteristici. Video Remediere: metadatele HDR sunt acum detectate in fluxurile VP9 profil 2 si pot fi utilizate pe platforme care accepta passthrough HDR sau tonuri mapate...

Aplication English Kodi Matrix 19.1- bug fix version - GNU/Linux
Kodi Matrix 19.1- bug fix version

This is an error fixing version, and some small features. Video Fix: HDR metadata is now detected in VP9 profile 2 streams and can be used on platforms that support HDR passthrough or mapped tones when playing this type of video. ...