Data | 2021-05-25
Featured Romana Noul tapet pentru KDE Plasma 5.22 este aici - GNU/Linux
Noul tapet pentru KDE Plasma 5.22 este aici

Noul fundal se numeste „ Altai”si urmeaza tendinta KDE pentru imagini poligonale. Tapetul este bogat in albastru, cu nuante galbene reprezentand raze solare la marginea unui lac, ce reprezinta sistemul montan „Altai” din Asia, care se afla...

Featured English The new wallpaper for KDE Plasma 5.22 is here - GNU/Linux
The new wallpaper for KDE Plasma 5.22 is here

The new background is called "Altai" and follows the KDE trend for polygonal images. The wallpaper is rich in blue, with yellow shades representing sunlight at the edge of a lake, which represents the mountain system "Altai" in Asia, which is...

Security Romana Ce este Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC)? Este o tehnologie daunatoare? - GNU/Linux
Ce este Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC)? Este o tehnologie daunatoare?

Timp de doua decenii, cookie-urile (poate partea cea mai gresita a internetului) au fost punctul central al industriei publicitatii de pe web, in valori de multe miliarde de dolari. Amprentele digitale sunt dificil de oprit. Unul, daca nu cumva cel mai important...

Security English What is Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC)? Is it a harmful technology? - GNU/Linux
What is Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC)? Is it a harmful technology?

For two decades, cookies (perhaps the worst part of the Internet) have been the focal point of the web advertising industry, worth billions of dollars. Fingerprints are difficult to stop. One, if not the most important of the colossi of the online...