Data | 2021-10-06
Distro Romana MX-21 RC1 este acum disponibil pentru testare - GNU/Linux
MX-21 RC1 este acum disponibil pentru testare

MX-21 este construit din depozitele debian-bullseye si MX. Cateva din noutatile din MX-21 RC1: - Aplicatii noi si actualizate. - Zona noua de selectie a partitiei de instalare, inclusiv un anumit suport lvm daca exista deja un volum lvm -...

Distro English The MX-21 RC1 is now available for testing - GNU/Linux
The MX-21 RC1 is now available for testing

The MX-21 is built from the debian-bullseye and MX warehouses. Some of the new features in the MX-21 RC1: - New and updated applications. - New installation partition selection area, including some lvm media if an lvm volume already exists - New...

Opinion English 10 reasons why I LOVE Linux - GNU/Linux
10 reasons why I LOVE Linux

Without claiming that my perspective is "perfect" or "the most correct", I will offer you a different perspective on the world of Linux. - It's free and legal. Between using commercial software in violation of the law and using a LEGAL AND FREE one, I chose...