Data | 2020-09-30
Featured Romana 7 lucruri pe care le faci mai repede pe Linux decat pe Windows - GNU/Linux
7 lucruri pe care le faci mai repede pe Linux decat pe Windows

În proportie uriasa cei care testeaza cel putin câteva zile Ubuntu, Linux Mint, openSUSE se declara socati de usurinta cu care aceste distributii se misca, stabilitatea sistemelor, flexibilitatea si siguranta pe care o ofera. DIntre acestea, cei mai multi...

Featured English 7 things you do faster on Linux than on Windows - GNU/Linux
7 things you do faster on Linux than on Windows

A huge proportion of those who test at least a few days Ubuntu, Linux Mint, openSUSE say they are shocked by the ease with which these distributions move, the stability of the systems, the flexibility and security they offer. Of these, most choose to use the GNU / Linux distribution...

Distro Romana Enso 0.4 „Singing Sunflower” - GNU/Linux
Enso 0.4 „Singing Sunflower”

Enso 0.4 se bazeaza pe cel mai recent Ubuntu LTS, 20.04 care a fost lansat la inceputul acestui an, câteva actualizari si noi aplicatii. - Una dintre principalele aplicatii noi care apar in aceasta versiune a Enso este o aplicatie de preluare a notelor numita...

Distro English Enso 0.4
Enso 0.4 "Singing Sunflower"

Enso 0.4 is based on the latest Ubuntu LTS, 20.04 which was released earlier this year, some updates and new applications. - One of the main new applications that appear in this version of Enso is a note-taking application called Pinny , quite simple in terms of its use, being everything you...