Data | 2020-10-30
Aplication English The application that does not let you work until exhaustion - GNU/Linux
The application that does not let you work until exhaustion

Work is very important, and time often seems insufficient to carry out everything we set out to do and / or everything we are asked to do. It happens more and more often that we are completely absorbed in what we are working on and forget about ourselves. We forget that...

Aplication Romana Aplicatia care nu te lasa sa muncesti pana la epuizare - GNU/Linux
Aplicatia care nu te lasa sa muncesti pana la epuizare

Munca este foarte importanta, iar timpul ni se pare adesea insuficient pentru a duce la indeplinire tot ce ne-am propus si/sau tot ce ni se cere. Se intâmpla din ce in ce mai des sa fim complet absorbiti de ceea ce lucram si uitam de noi la propriu. Uitam ca trebuie sa ne...