Data | 2020-11-05
Opinion Romana Despre internet, schizofrenie, spam, click bait, dezinformare sau ce mai inseamna informatia azi - GNU/Linux
Despre internet, schizofrenie, spam, click bait, dezinformare sau ce mai inseamna informatia azi

Dupa cum toata lumea stie o informatie/stire are o sursa teoretic bine definita: persoane, grupuri, institutii, fundatii, grupuri media, televiziuni, websiteuri,etc. Si tot dupa cum toata lumea stie, o stire poate face inconjurul...

Opinion English About the internet, schizophrenia, spam, click bait, misinformation or what information means today - GNU/Linux
About the internet, schizophrenia, spam, click bait, misinformation or what information means today

As everyone knows an information / news has a theoretically well defined source: people, groups, institutions, foundations, media groups, televisions, websites, etc. And just as everyone knows, a news story can go around the...