Data | 2020-11-21
Distro Romana KaOS 2020.11 - GCC 10.2.0, Glibc 2.32 si Binutils 2.35.1 - GNU/Linux
KaOS 2020.11 - GCC 10.2.0, Glibc 2.32 si Binutils 2.35.1

Principala schimbare in aceasta versiune este un nou GCC 10.2.0, Glibc 2.32 si Binutils 2.35.1 Toolchain. O mare parte a distributiei a fost reconstruita pe acest nou Toolchain, inclusiv o stiva actualizata la 2.66 Glib2. Mesa s-a mutat in seria 20.2 si pentru kernel a fost posibila...

Distro English KaOS 2020.11 - GCC 10.2.0, Glibc 2.32 and Binutils 2.35.1 - GNU/Linux
KaOS 2020.11 - GCC 10.2.0, Glibc 2.32 and Binutils 2.35.1

The main change in this version is a new GCC 10.2.0, Glibc 2.32 and Binutils 2.35.1 Toolchain. Much of the distribution has been rebuilt on this new Toolchain, including a stack updated to 2.66 Glib2. The table has moved to the 20.2 series and for the kernel it has been possible to...

Distro Romana Sabayon si Funtoo Linux isi unesc fortele - GNU/Linux
Sabayon si Funtoo Linux isi unesc fortele

Sabayon este pe cale sa-si uneasca fortele cu Funtoo. Iata comunicatul echipei Sabayon: „Funtoo Linux este o meta-distributie Linux dezvoltata de comunitate, bazata pe Gentoo...

Distro English Sabayon and Funtoo Linux join forces - GNU/Linux
Sabayon and Funtoo Linux join forces

Sabayon is about to join forces with Funtoo. Here is the Sabayon team statement : "Funtoo Linux is a community-developed Linux meta-distribution based on Gentoo Linux. Funtoo Linux is optimized for the best possible performance on the latest Intel and AMD hardware....