Data | 2020-12-09
Tutorial Romana Oracle Linux: o alternativa mai buna la CentOS - GNU/Linux
Oracle Linux: o alternativa mai buna la CentOS

Oracle Linux 8 Este fiabil, este accesibil, este 100% compatibil cu RedHat (100% binar-compatibil cu Red Hat Enterprise Linux) si ofera acces la unele dintre cele mai inovatoare inovatii in Linux, cum ar fi Ksplice si DTrace. software-ul Oracle Linux este disponibil...

Tutorial English Oracle Linux: a better alternative to CentOS - GNU/Linux
Oracle Linux: a better alternative to CentOS

Oracle Linux 8 It is reliable, affordable, 100% compatible with RedHat (100% binary-compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux) and offers access to some of the most innovative innovations in Linux, such as Ksplice and DTrace. Oracle Linux software available for free ...

Featured English Rumor - The founder of CentOS intends to create a new RHEL fork - - GNU/Linux
Rumor - The founder of CentOS intends to create a new RHEL fork -

It seems that the original founder of Centos ( Gregory M. Kurtzer ) intends to create a new fork of RHEL due to the recent news from Red Hat / IBM regarding the transition to...

Featured Romana Zvon - Fondatorul CentOS intentioneaza sa creeze o noua furca RHEL - - GNU/Linux
Zvon - Fondatorul CentOS intentioneaza sa creeze o noua furca RHEL -

Se pare ca fondatorul initial Centos ( Gregory M. Kurtzer ) intentioneaza sa creeze o noua furca a RHEL datorita stirilor recente aparute de Red Hat / IBM privind trecerea la...

Featured Romana Intel lanseaza oneDNN 2.0 - biblioteca de retea neuronala open-source - GNU/Linux
Intel lanseaza oneDNN 2.0 - biblioteca de retea neuronala open-source

oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) este o biblioteca open-source multiplatforma pentru aplicatii de invatare profunda. Biblioteca este optimizata pentru procesoarele de arhitectura Intel, grafica procesorului Intel si grafica bazata pe arhitectura Xe....

Featured English Intel launches oneDNN 2.0 - open-source neural network library - GNU/Linux
Intel launches oneDNN 2.0 - open-source neural network library

oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) is a cross-platform open-source library for deep learning applications . The library is optimized for Intel architecture processors, Intel processor graphics, and Xe-based graphics. oneDNN has experimental support for the...

Tutorial Romana Easy OS are acum patru metode pentru transferul de fisiere catre si de la un telefon - GNU/Linux
Easy OS are acum patru metode pentru transferul de fisiere catre si de la un telefon

EasyOS are acum patru metode pentru transferul de fisiere catre si de la un telefon: ADB, PTP, MTP si Bluetooth. Primele trei necesita si un cablu USB. În Setarile telefonului cu Android, exista optiunea conexiunii USB in „Mod...

Tutorial English Easy OS now has four methods for transferring files to and from a phone - GNU/Linux
Easy OS now has four methods for transferring files to and from a phone

EasyOS now has four methods for transferring files to and from a phone: ADB, PTP, MTP and Bluetooth. The first three also require a USB cable. In Android Phone Settings, there is the option of USB connection in "Charging Mode". You should be able to...