Data | 2021-01-05
Aplication Romana Actualizare de remediere a erorilor  - KDE Plasma 5.20.5 - GNU/Linux
Actualizare de remediere a erorilor - KDE Plasma 5.20.5

KDE Plasma 5, versiunea 5.20.5 adauga noi traduceri si remedieri de la colaboratorii KDE. Remediile de erori sunt de obicei mici, dar importante: Plasma NM: Remediat introducerea parolei la trecerea la diferite retele cu scanare wifi,...

Aplication English Troubleshooting Update - KDE Plasma 5.20.5 - GNU/Linux
Troubleshooting Update - KDE Plasma 5.20.5

KDE Plasma 5, version 5.20.5 adds new translations and fixes from KDE contributors. Bug fixes are usually small but important: Plasma NM: Fixed password entry when switching to different networks with wifi scanning, interrupting scanning. Plasma PA: Reading the...

Opinion English Are you going to buy another tablet? - GNU/Linux
Are you going to buy another tablet?

The tablet, in a short period of time, became an instrument present in almost every Romanian house. New and exciting products see the light of day all the time. The market abounds in tablets of all brands, sizes and characteristics, and the purchase of such an instrument should not be viewed...

Opinion Romana Ai de gand sa iti mai cumperi o tableta?  - GNU/Linux
Ai de gand sa iti mai cumperi o tableta?

Tableta, intr-o perioada scurta de timp, a ajuns un instrument prezent in aproape fiecare casa de român. Produse noi si captivante vad lumina zile mai tot timpul. Piata abunda in tablete de toate marcile, marimile si caracteristicile, iar achizitionarea unui astfel de instrument nu...