Data | 2021-09-07
Opinion Romana Importanta A.I. in Marketing - GNU/Linux
Importanta A.I. in Marketing

Ultimul deceniu a inregistrat un avans incredibil in tehnicile de marketing utilizate de profesionisti pentru a interactiona cu publicul, precum si cu clientii lor. Acum, cu acces la software mult mai avansat, lucrurile sunt mai usoare. Si, desigur, acesta este motivul pentru care 50% pâna la...

Opinion English Importance of AI in Marketing - GNU/Linux
Importance of AI in Marketing

The last decade has seen an incredible advance in the marketing techniques used by professionals to interact with the public as well as their clients. Now, with access to more advanced software, things are easier. And, of course, this is why 50% to 65% of CEOs today choose more to invest in these...