Data | 2021-11-27
Aplication Romana Programul de desen pentru copii Tux Paint, adauga o gama larga de functii noi plus o noua galerie - GNU/Linux
Programul de desen pentru copii Tux Paint, adauga o gama larga de functii noi plus o noua galerie

Instrumentele de vopsea si linie de la Tux Paint accepta acum pensule care se rotesc in functie de unghiul cursei. În plus, instrumentul Umplere ofera acum un mod de pictura cu mâna libera pentru colorarea interactiva intr-o zona...

Aplication English The Tux Paint childrens drawing program adds a wide range of new features plus a new gallery - GNU/Linux
The Tux Paint childrens drawing program adds a wide range of new features plus a new gallery

Tux Paint's paint and line tools now accept brushes that rotate depending on the angle of travel. In addition, the Fill tool now offers a hands-free painting mode for interactive coloring in a small area. ...

Featured Romana Plangere vis-a-vis de comportamentul anticoncurential al Microsoft - OneDrive - GNU/Linux
Plangere vis-a-vis de comportamentul anticoncurential al Microsoft - OneDrive

O coalitie de companii de software si cloud din UE s-a alaturat Nextcloud GmbH cu privire la plângerea lor oficiala adresata Comisiei Europene cu privire la comportamentul anticoncurential al Microsoft in ceea ce priveste oferta sa - OneDrive . Microsoft combina...

Featured English Complaint about Microsoft anti-competitive behavior - OneDrive - GNU/Linux
Complaint about Microsoft anti-competitive behavior - OneDrive

A coalition of EU software and cloud companies has joined Nextcloud GmbH in their official complaint to the European Commission over Microsoft's anti-competitive behavior over its OneDrive offering. Microsoft combines OneDrive, Teams and other services with Windows...

Tutorial English Guide - Migrating to EuroLinux 8 from CentOS, RHEL, Oracle Linux, AlmaLinux, and Rocky Linux versions 8 and 7 - GNU/Linux
Guide - Migrating to EuroLinux 8 from CentOS, RHEL, Oracle Linux, AlmaLinux, and Rocky Linux version...

The instructions shown below will work for: CentOS, RHEL, Oracle Linux, AlmaLinux, and Rocky Linux versions 8 and 7. We update the system to the latest version: sudo yum update ...