Categorie | Tutorial
Tutorial English Merge multiple PDFs into one file - GNU/Linux
Merge multiple PDFs into one file

For years I never knew how to combine multiple PDFs into one PDF file without the use of Adobe Professional. However, this can be done and can be done in Linux very very easily and of course, for free. This process requires you to install two packages: Ghostscript and PDFtk. These...

Tutorial English Linux security - GNU/Linux
Linux security

Linux is modular in design, which means it is used for the most part as a modularly designed system from the kernel to the applications. It is not difficult to organize most e-mail programs to use a built-in browser engine to render HTML messages. Therefore, an error in one browser engine does not present a danger...

Tutorial English Tiny Core Linux an Operating System at ~ 10Mb - GNU/Linux
Tiny Core Linux an Operating System at ~ 10Mb

Let this article start with bursting your bubble by being honest: of course, you shouldn’t expect much. This is a 10Mb operating system that will be talked about so you shouldn’t be expecting this to have everything that the operating systems can give you. ...

Tutorial English How to prevent Spammers from accessing your Linux Server - GNU/Linux
How to prevent Spammers from accessing your Linux Server

I run an article directory on a dedicated Linux server and provide full article RSS feeds for any query or tag. When spammers find the site, they usually pull the feeds and repost the articles on their Wordpress or Blogger blogs. Occasionaly, for whatever...

Tutorial English 30 day reminder certificates bash - GNU/Linux
30 day reminder certificates bash

Came up with the following to check for certificates that are gonna expire within 30 days time, it sends a mail to the chosen emailadres if u add it to the crontab. #!/usr/local/bin/bash # check certificate and mail output bla. HOST=`hostname` DOMAINS=`ls...

Tutorial Romana Ubuntu Remote Access - GNU/Linux
Ubuntu Remote Access

GNOME suporta mai multi utilizatori simultan. Spre deosebire de vncviewer care doar copiaza ecranul curent pe un alt sistem, XDMCP permite mai multor utilizatori sa se logheze si sa ruleze sesiuni GNOME individuale in acelasi timp. In acest fel daca dispuneti de un sistem puternic pe care aveti instalat...

Tutorial English The advantages of a Home partition - GNU/Linux
The advantages of a Home partition

Today, I will talk about the advantages that a / home partition offers, as opposed to a / home directory, namely the use of special data partitions. "FOR" ARGUMENTS The desktop and its appearance. All the changes we make to arrange our...

Tutorial Romana Instalare, dezinstalare si cautare de programe in Kogaion - GNU/Linux
Instalare, dezinstalare si cautare de programe in Kogaion

În tutorialul de astazi va voi prezenta cum se poate instala, dezinstala si cauta un program in Kogaion. Totul se va face din terminal cu ajutorul comenzilor. Cum se instaleaza un program deschideti un terminal...

Tutorial Romana Migrarea directorului /home intr-o partitie /home - GNU/Linux
Migrarea directorului /home intr-o partitie /home

Printre problemele cu care te intâlnesti in lumea calculatoarelor, se afla si trecerea la o versiune superioara a sistemului de operare. SISTEMUL DE FISIERE Iata o lista microscopica a motivelor care impun schimbarea...

Tutorial Romana Avantajele unei partitii Home - GNU/Linux
Avantajele unei partitii Home

Astazi, voi vorbi despre avantajele pe care le ofera o partitie /home, spre deosebire de un director /home, respectiv utilizarea partitiilor speciale de date. ARGUMENTELE “PENTRU” Desktopul si aspectul sau. Toate modificarile pe care le...

Tutorial English Tips for designing web pages - GNU/Linux
Tips for designing web pages

WWW design includes Web center design, individual page design, and efficient use of the Web (server) environment. General design of the Web center. The specific elements of the web center design would be: - Designing the center in perspective by establishing its...

Tutorial English GNU + Linux system cleanup script on Debian-based distributions - GNU/Linux
GNU + Linux system cleanup script on Debian-based distributions

Below is the script I use to clean the system. All you have to do to be able to use this script is to copy the code and enter it in a file with the extension .sh ex: ! Note: This script can only be used on Debian-based...

Tutorial English Counter-strike installation on Linux with Wine - GNU/Linux
Counter-strike installation on Linux with Wine

For starters you need a counter-strike 1.6 kit such as: counter-striker1.6.exe. You need the video card drivers to be installed for the game to run as smoothly as possible. Careful! If you do not have the drivers installed, the game will only work in the...

Tutorial Romana Script de curatare a sistemului GNU+Linux pe distributiile bazate pe Debian - GNU/Linux
Script de curatare a sistemului GNU+Linux pe distributiile bazate pe Debian

Mai jos este scriptul de care ma folosesc pentru curatarea sistemului. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a va putea folosi si voi de acest script este sa copiati codul sa il introduceti intr-un fisier cu extensia .sh ex:

Tutorial Romana Sfaturi pentru proiectarea paginilor Web - GNU/Linux
Sfaturi pentru proiectarea paginilor Web

Proiectarea WWW include proiectarea centrului Web, proiectarea paginilor individuale si folosirea eficienta a mediului Web (a serverului). Proiectarea generala a centrului Web. Elementele specifice proiectarii centrului Web ar fi: -...

Tutorial Romana Instalare counter-strike pe Linux cu Wine - GNU/Linux
Instalare counter-strike pe Linux cu Wine

Pentru inceput aveti nevoie de un kit de counter-strike 1.6 cum ar fi: counter-striker1.6.exe. Aveti nevoie ca driverele placii video sa fie instalate pentru ca jocul sa mearga cat mai bine. Atentie! Daca nu aveti driverele...

Tutorial English Mail troubleshooting... - GNU/Linux
Mail troubleshooting...

Go through this post to troubleshoot mail issues on your server.. Check emails in mail queue root@server [~]# exim -bp Count number of emails in mail queue root@server [~]# exim -bpc Count...

Tutorial Romana Dezvoltarea unui site PHP cu baze de date PostgreSQL - GNU/Linux
Dezvoltarea unui site PHP cu baze de date PostgreSQL

Cu ajutorul acestui tutorial veti afla cea mai usoara modalitate de a instala si seta aplicatii precum PostgreSQL, Apache si PHP. In acest articol voi trata modul de instalare si configurare a unui server WEB (utilizam Apache ca server web) cu un modul de PHP si cu serverul de baze de date...

Tutorial English Linux commands. The most used - GNU/Linux
Linux commands. The most used

Linux is a very simple Operating system to use and the commands that you use on them span across the vast majority of Linux distros. I have included a list of the most commonly used commands below. cd cd stands for change directory. If you put in a forward slash then it will start...

Tutorial Romana Tutorial instalare PHP 8.0 in Rocky Linux 8.x - GNU/Linux
Tutorial instalare PHP 8.0 in Rocky Linux 8.x

PHP 8.0 nu este prezent inca in AppStream-ul Rocky Linux, având in vedere ca este inca destul de nou. Cu toate acestea, puteti instala PHP din depozitul (Remi), un depozit gratuit tert care implementeaza cele mai recente actualizari la PHP 8.0. Pentru a...

Tutorial English PHP 8.0 installation tutorial in Rocky Linux 8.x - GNU/Linux
PHP 8.0 installation tutorial in Rocky Linux 8.x

PHP 8.0 is not yet present in the Rocky Linux AppStream, as it is still fairly new. However, you can install PHP from the repository (Remi), a free third-party repository that implements the latest updates to PHP 8.0. To install EPEL: sudo dnf...

Tutorial English ACL: Setting Access Control List for non privileged users - GNU/Linux
ACL: Setting Access Control List for non privileged users

There are two type of ACLs Access ACL The user and group access permissions for all kinds of file system objects (files and directories) are determined by means of access ACLs Default ACL Default...

Tutorial English User management commands in Linux - GNU/Linux
User management commands in Linux

Linux Commands for managing users: 1. adduser – Command used to add user accounts. 2. chage – Used to change the time the user’s password will expire. 3. chfn – Change a user’s finger information 4. chsh – Change a user’s...

Tutorial English Network config files in Linux - GNU/Linux
Network config files in Linux

In most cases, the DNS configuration is stored within /etc/resolv.conf. To add a DNS server, you can simply add a line “namespace″ in /etc/resolv.conf (assuming you want to use as your DNS Server): nameserver...

Tutorial English How to Setup a Home Network Using Static Addresses - GNU/Linux
How to Setup a Home Network Using Static Addresses

If you have more than one computer at home, you’ll probably want to set up a network so that they can communicate. This way you’ll be able to share your Internet connection and to transfer files and services between your different computers. Most home networks have two functions: They...