Categorie | Tutorial
Tutorial English Internet connection via PPPoE in Mandriva - GNU/Linux
Internet connection via PPPoE in Mandriva

Setting up an Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) connection using the Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) protocol is very simple by following these steps: 1. To configure the connection, run the root command

Tutorial Romana Conectare la Internet prin PPPoE in Mandriva - GNU/Linux
Conectare la Internet prin PPPoE in Mandriva

Setarea unei conexiuni de tip ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line ) folosind protocolul PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) se face foarte simplu parcurgand urmatorii pasi: 1. Pentru configurarea conexiunii se executa ca root comanda

Tutorial English Use quota - GNU/Linux
Use quota

Quota is a feature of Linux operating systems that allows a system administrator to impose a hard disk space limit on a user or group of users. How is it used? The first step is to edit the / etc / fstab file and add it to the partitions on which you want to apply the quota, the term...

Tutorial Romana Utilizare quota - GNU/Linux
Utilizare quota

Quota este o caracteristica a sistemelor de operare Linux, prin care administratorul de sistem poate impune la utilizare o limita de spatiu pe hard-disk unui utilizator sau grup de utilizatori. Cum se foloseste? Prima etapa este sa se editeze fisierul /etc/fstab si sa se aduge la...

Tutorial Romana Drepturi de acces pe Linux - permisiuni - GNU/Linux
Drepturi de acces pe Linux - permisiuni

In Linux, spre deosebire de alte sisteme de operare, mai ales datorita faptului ca este un sistem multiuser, vom intalni un sistem special de administrare a drepturilor asupra fisierelor si directoarelor preluat din Unix. Tipuri de utilizatori Utilizatorii...

Tutorial English Installing LAMP on Debian and apache mapping in / home / www / - GNU/Linux
Installing LAMP on Debian and apache mapping in / home / www /

Installing LAMP on Debian and apache mapping in / home / www /. First of all, you must be logged in as root in order to achieve the following. Login is as follows: su parola_root ->enter ...

Tutorial Romana Instalare LAMP pe Debian si mapare apache in /home/www/ - GNU/Linux
Instalare LAMP pe Debian si mapare apache in /home/www/

Instalare LAMP pe Debian si mapare apache in /home/www/. In primul rand rebuie sa fiti logati ca si root pentru a putea realiza cele de mai jos. Logarea se face astfel: su parola_root ->enter ...

Tutorial Romana Stoparea abuzului functiei PHP mail() - GNU/Linux
Stoparea abuzului functiei PHP mail()

Spamerii. O metoda folosita de ei - cumpara hosting, la preturi mici, sau chiar gratuit, si folosesc platforma hosterului pentru a trimite spam. Daca il trimit standard, folosind un client mail, ii prindeam rapid, deoarece pe sistemele respective nu se permite relaying fara autorizare, si...

Tutorial English Stop abuse of PHP mail () function - GNU/Linux
Stop abuse of PHP mail () function

Spammers. One method they use - buy hosting, at low prices, or even for free, and use the host's platform to send spam.

Tutorial English How to install and configure IMWheel in Ubuntu - GNU/Linux
How to install and configure IMWheel in Ubuntu

To install IMWheel in Ubuntu sudo apt-get install imwheel Edit the IMWheel configuration file sudo gedit /etc/X11/imwheel/imwheelrc Add the following lines to...

Tutorial Romana Cum se instaleaza si configureaza IMWheel in Ubuntu - GNU/Linux
Cum se instaleaza si configureaza IMWheel in Ubuntu

Pentru a instala IMWheel in Ubuntu sudo apt-get install imwheel Editeaza fisierul de configurare IMWheel sudo gedit /etc/X11/imwheel/imwheelrc Adauga urmatoarele linii...

Tutorial English Why install Linux on your system? How can I help you? - GNU/Linux
Why install Linux on your system? How can I help you?

Before installing anything on a computer, you must answer the logical question "why?". Why install Linux on your system? How can I help you? You may have heard that it is better than Windows, that it is more stable, but what defines this advantage over other platforms, this...

Tutorial Romana Unele metode de atac asupra unui sistem UNIX - GNU/Linux
Unele metode de atac asupra unui sistem UNIX

Aveti mai jos cateva metode de atac asupra unui sistem UNIX 1. Local DOS attack. D.o.S. - denial of service. Se poate realiza prin: - epuizarea memoriei, a resurselor procesorului sau a spatiului pe HDD. In cazul epuizarii resurselor ( o...

Tutorial English Some methods of attacking a UNIX system - GNU/Linux
Some methods of attacking a UNIX system

Below are some methods to attack a UNIX system: 1. Local DOS attack. DoS - denial of service. It can be achieved by: - depletion of memory, processor resources or HDD space. In case of depletion of resources (a fork bomb ()) - the system...

Tutorial English The structure of the file system on Linux - GNU/Linux
The structure of the file system on Linux

One of the first aspects of Linux that a new user comes in contact with is the structure of the file system, or more clearly, the way and place the executables, system or configuration files are placed. Being a system derived from UNIX, there are two specific features: It is a...

Tutorial Romana Structura sistemului de fisiere pe Linux - GNU/Linux
Structura sistemului de fisiere pe Linux

Unul dintre primele aspecte ale Linuxului cu care un nou utilizator vine in contact este structura sistemului de fisiere, sau mai clar, felul si locul in care sunt plasate executabilele, fisierele de sistem sau de configurare. Fiind un sistem derivat din UNIX, se remarca doua caracterisistici...

Tutorial English Genkernel Guide for Gentoo Linux - GNU/Linux
Genkernel Guide for Gentoo Linux

For users unfamiliar with kernel compilation, genkernel is a utility for automating this process. It can help you create a kernel image similar to those available on Gentoo's Installation CD media, which are designed to automatically detect your system's hardware configuration. Some users may also...

Tutorial Romana Ghid Genkernel pentru Gentoo Linux - GNU/Linux
Ghid Genkernel pentru Gentoo Linux

Pentru utilizatorii ce nu sunt obisnuiti cu compilarea de kernel, genkernel este un utilitar pentru automatizarea acestui proces. Va poate ajuta sa creati o imagine de kernel asemanatoare cu cele disponibile pe mediile Installation CD ale Gentoo, ce sunt proiectate pentru a detecta automat...

Tutorial English From history - DARKSTAR Linux - GNU/Linux
From history - DARKSTAR Linux

DARKSTAR Linux 2008.1 is a desktop-oriented linux operating system (KDE and Xfce), easy to install, configure and use, aimed at Linux beginners. It has lots of easy-to-use GUI tools, lots of desktop, multimedia and gaming applications. The operating system is designed to work out of the box. DARKSTAR...

Tutorial English When is a command line not a line? - GNU/Linux
When is a command line not a line?

This article discusses the way in which intuitive handling of "command lines" can lead to bugs and security problems, and suggests a solution. An intuitive idea We all know what a command line is. It's what you give the shell in order to run a program with,...

Tutorial English  /* You Are Expected to Understand This */ - GNU/Linux
/* You Are Expected to Understand This */

Comments sprinkled liberally through your code can be a godsend when someone else tries to understand what you've done. Better still, they can save you hours of time when you look at it yourself six months later. Unfortunately, including certain types of comments is as bad as not having any at...

Tutorial Romana Topul 10 al greselilor din Web Design - GNU/Linux
Topul 10 al greselilor din Web Design

1. Folosirea frame-urilor Impartind o pagina in frame-uri aceasta devine foarte confuza pentru utilizatori, deoarece frame-urile incalca stilul de model fundamental al utilizatorului despre o pagina web. Toate ca toate, dar nu avem posibilitatea sa facem un "bookmark" la pagina curenta...

Tutorial English The most secure and fastest compilation of the Linux kernel - GNU/Linux
The most secure and fastest compilation of the Linux kernel

What is the safest and fastest way to recompile the kernel? Here are the commands you need to give them: cp linux-x.y.z.tar.gz la /usr/src tar zxpvf linux-x.y.z.tar.gz cd linux-x.y.z make menuconfig make dep make clean...

Tutorial Romana Compilare cea mai sigura si mai rapida a kernel-lui Linux - GNU/Linux
Compilare cea mai sigura si mai rapida a kernel-lui Linux

Care este cea mai sigura si mai rapida metoda de a recompila kernel-ul? Iata comenzile care trebuie sa le dati: cp linux-x.y.z.tar.gz la /usr/src tar zxpvf linux-x.y.z.tar.gz cd linux-x.y.z make menuconfig make dep make...

Tutorial English How to enable WPA with the Ndiswrapper driver in Ubuntu - GNU/Linux
How to enable WPA with the Ndiswrapper driver in Ubuntu

To get started, make sure that the Ndiswrapper driver works normally, without encryption. Create the /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf file, and insert the following lines into it by changing the ssid and psk values.