Categorie | Featured
Featured Romana Hirsute Hippo - Mascota si wallpapere de la Canonical - GNU/Linux
Hirsute Hippo - Mascota si wallpapere de la Canonical

Echipa de design Canonical vine cu un lot proaspat de imagini de fundal Hirsute Hippo intr-o varietate de rezolutii, culori si tonuri de gri, plus un SVG pentru mascota. Echipa este in proces de fuzionare a noilor opere de arta si tapete in Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo,...

Featured English Hirsute Hippo - Mascot and wallpapers from Canonical - GNU/Linux
Hirsute Hippo - Mascot and wallpapers from Canonical

The Canonical design team comes with a fresh batch of Hirsute Hippo wallpapers in a variety of resolutions, colors and grayscale, plus an SVG for the mascot. The team is in the process of merging the new works of art and wallpapers into Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo, which...

Featured Romana #SwitchforNature -  Aratati-va sprijinul pentru un viitor regenerabil! - GNU/Linux
#SwitchforNature - Aratati-va sprijinul pentru un viitor regenerabil!

Ora Pamântului a fost intotdeauna pentru toata lumea. În fiecare an, Ora Pamântului transforma indivizii, scolile, companiile si comunitatile intr-o miscare puternica pentru a face schimbarea. În acest an

Featured English #SwitchforNature - Show your support for a renewable future! - GNU/Linux
#SwitchforNature - Show your support for a renewable future!

Earth time has always been for everyone. Every year, Earth Hour turns individuals, schools, companies and communities into a powerful movement for change. This year's Earth Hour ...

Featured English OpenMandriva passes the infrastructure to ARM servers - GNU/Linux
OpenMandriva passes the infrastructure to ARM servers

The ABF construction system has moved to a new server ( ARM (aarch64)) which is now fully operational. Because of this, it is now possible to run simply sudo docker run -ti openmandriva/cookeror sudo docker run -ti...

Featured Romana #ilovefs - Ziua Software-ului Liber - 14 februarie - GNU/Linux
#ilovefs - Ziua Software-ului Liber - 14 februarie

„I love Free Software Day” - 14 februarie (cunoscuta si ca Ziua Îndragostitilor) este ocazia perfecta pentru a va exprima o recunostinta speciala. Anual „I love Free Software Day” va permite sa faceti din 14 februarie o zi de recunostinta...

Featured English #ilovefs - I love Free Software Day -  February 14 - GNU/Linux
#ilovefs - I love Free Software Day - February 14

"I love Free Software Day" - February 14 (also known as Valentine's Day) is the perfect occasion to express your special gratitude. Every year, "I love Free Software Day" allows you to make February 14 a day of gratitude for the entire community that celebrates and...

Featured Romana Cum sa obtii un abonamentul gratuit Red Hat Enterprise Linux - GNU/Linux
Cum sa obtii un abonamentul gratuit Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Acum câteva saptamâni, Red Hat a anuntat noul abonament Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) , gratuit . In continuare aveti un ghid rapid pentru dezvoltatorii care doresc sa configureze un abonament si sa inceapa sa-l utilizeze imediat. 1. Daca nu aveti un cont Red Hat,...

Featured English How to get a free Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription - GNU/Linux
How to get a free Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription

A few weeks ago, Red Hat announced the new free Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) subscription. Below is a quick guide for developers who want to set up a subscription and start using it right away. 1. If you do not have a Red Hat account, navigate to the Red Hat Customer Portal and...

Featured Romana SHAKTI, este o initiativa open-source ce produce si dezvolta procesoare de productie, SoC-uri, placi de dezvoltare si o platforma software - GNU/Linux
SHAKTI, este o initiativa open-source ce produce si dezvolta procesoare de productie, SoC-uri, placi...

SHAKTI este o initiativa open-source a grupului Reconfigurable Intelligent Systems Engineering (RISE) de la IIT-Madras. Scopul SHAKTI este de a produce procesoare de productie, System on Chips (SoC), placi de...

Featured English SHAKTI, is an open-source initiative that produces and develops production processors, SoCs, development boards and a software platform - GNU/Linux
SHAKTI, is an open-source initiative that produces and develops production processors, SoCs, develop...

SHAKTI is an open-source initiative of the Reconfigurable Intelligent Systems Engineering (RISE) group at IIT-Madras. SHAKTI's goal is to produce production processors, System on Chips (SoC), development...

Featured Romana Harta comunitatilor online/offline Godox - GNU/Linux
Harta comunitatilor online/offline Godox

Harta comunitatii de utilizatori va permite sa vedeti unde sunt localizate comunitatile fizice si online din intreaga lume. Daca gazduiti o comunitate fizica...

Featured English Map of Godox online / offline communities - GNU/Linux
Map of Godox online / offline communities

The user community map allows you to see where physical and online communities around the world are located. If you are hosting a physical or online community, feel free to add it to the

Featured Romana Very Efficient Deep Learning in IoT (VEDLIoT) – proiect finantat de Comisia Europeana - GNU/Linux
Very Efficient Deep Learning in IoT (VEDLIoT) – proiect finantat de Comisia Europeana

Învatarea profunda foarte eficienta in IoT ( VEDLIoT ) - un proiect finantat de Comisia Europeana si coordonat de CoR-Lab al Universitatii Bielefeld, a fost lansat la...

Featured English Very Efficient Deep Learning in IoT (VEDLIoT) - project funded by the European Commission - GNU/Linux
Very Efficient Deep Learning in IoT (VEDLIoT) - project funded by the European Commission

Highly efficient deep learning in IoT ( VEDLIoT ) - a project funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the CoR-Lab of the University of Bielefeld, was launched at the end of 2020, and includes an international research composed...

Featured Romana exFAT pentru Linux 5.12 ar trebui sa poata sterge fisierele mari mult mai rapid - GNU/Linux
exFAT pentru Linux 5.12 ar trebui sa poata sterge fisierele mari mult mai rapid

Daca folosesti sistemul de fisiere exFAT pentru Linux , exista o optimizare semnificativa pentru stergerea fisierelor cu setul de optiuni de montare „dirsync”. exFAT pentru Linux 5.12 ar trebui sa poata sterge fisierele mari mult mai...

Featured English exFAT for Linux 5.12 should be able to delete large files much faster - GNU/Linux
exFAT for Linux 5.12 should be able to delete large files much faster

If you use the exFAT file system for Linux, there is a significant optimization for deleting files with the "dirsync" set of mounting options. exFAT for Linux 5.12 should be able to delete large files much faster when running with the "dirsync" mount option....

Featured Romana Alma Linux, o furca RHEL open-source construita de echipa de la CloudLinux - GNU/Linux
Alma Linux, o furca RHEL open-source construita de echipa de la CloudLinux

AlmaLinux un proiect open-source, bazat pe comunitate, intentioneaza sa umple golul lasat de lansarile stabile comunitare CentOS. AlmaLinux spun creatorii sistemului de operare CloudLinux. va fi o furca compatibila binara 1:...

Featured Romana Majoritatea respondentilor unui sondaj penSUSE folosesc Plasma KDE ca mediu desktop - GNU/Linux
Majoritatea respondentilor unui sondaj penSUSE folosesc Plasma KDE ca mediu desktop

Rezultatele sondajului au furnizat câteva informatii interesante. - Cel mai mare procent de utilizatori au avut vârste cuprinse intre 35 si 49 de ani. Mai mult de jumatate dintre respondenti erau din...

Featured English Most respondents to a OpenSUSE survey use KDE Plasma as a desktop environment - GNU/Linux
Most respondents to a OpenSUSE survey use KDE Plasma as a desktop environment

The results of the survey provided some interesting information. - The highest percentage of users were between 35 and 49 years old. More than half of the respondents were from Europe; America accounted for about a quarter of respondents and...

Featured Romana Un nou wallpaper in Plasma 5.21- Milky Way - GNU/Linux
Un nou wallpaper in Plasma 5.21- Milky Way

Update - noul wallpaper in Plasma 5.21 - Milky Way. Metadate: [Desktop Entry] Name=Shell Name=Milky Way Name[az]=Üzluk Name[ca]=Shell Name[cs]=Shell Name[zh_TW]=殼層 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=Next X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Lucas Andrade ...

Featured English KDE brings fingerprint support in 2021 - GNU/Linux
KDE brings fingerprint support in 2021

Here are some milestones from the KDE roadmap for 2021: - Fingerprint support must be added in SDDM, lock screen, KAuth, Polkit .... etc. - Breeze Evolution is underway, to be released in Plasma 5.21. - Replacement for the venerable Kickoff launcher

Featured Romana KDE aduce in 2021 suport pentru amprenta digitala - GNU/Linux
KDE aduce in 2021 suport pentru amprenta digitala

Iata ceteva repere din foaia de parcurs KDE pentru 2021: - Suportul pentru amprenta digitala trebuie adaugat in SDDM, ecranul de blocare, KAuth, Polkit .... etc. - Breeze Evolution este in desfasurare, urmând a fi lansat in Plasma 5.21. - Inlocuitor...

Featured Romana GNUHealthCon 2020 - confidentialitate si criptografie, COVID-19, Delivering Software KDE, MyGNUHealth, alfabetizare in sanatate - GNU/Linux
GNUHealthCon 2020 - confidentialitate si criptografie, COVID-19, Delivering Software KDE, MyGNUHealt...

Conferinta de sanatate GNU (GHCon) si Atelierul international privind e-sanatatea in economiile emergente (IWEEE), a avut participanti on-line din Gabon, Brazilia, Japonia, Austria, Statele Unite, Argentina,...

Featured English GNUHealthCon 2020 - privacy and cryptography, COVID-19, KDE Delivering Software, MyGNUHealth, health literacy - GNU/Linux
GNUHealthCon 2020 - privacy and cryptography, COVID-19, KDE Delivering Software, MyGNUHealth, health...

The GNU Health Conference (GHCon) and the International Workshop on E-Health in Emerging Economies (IWEEE) had online participants from Gabon, Brazil, Japan, Austria, the United States, Argentina, Spain, Germany, Chile, Belgium,...