Categorie | Featured
Featured Romana Consiliul de administratie al CentOS s-a intrunit pentru a discuta despre CentOS Linux si CentOS Stream - GNU/Linux
Consiliul de administratie al CentOS s-a intrunit pentru a discuta despre CentOS Linux si CentOS Str...

În urma discutiei ddespre diferitele comunitati de utilizatori afectate de modificarile propuse, Chris Wright a mentionat consiliului ca Red Hat remodeleaza si extinde si programul RHEL Developer....

Featured English The CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream - GNU/Linux
The CentOS Board of Directors met to discuss CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream

Following the discussion about the various user communities affected by the proposed changes, Chris Wright mentioned to the board that Red Hat is also remodeling and expanding the RHEL Developer program. The following resolutions were approved by...

Featured Romana Proiectul Rocky Linux alternativa la Centos 8 - sistem de operare bazat pe comunitate - GNU/Linux
Proiectul Rocky Linux alternativa la Centos 8 - sistem de operare bazat pe comunitate

Rocky Linux va fi un sistem de operare pentru intreprindere, comunitar conceput pentru a fi 100% compatibil cu Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Este in curs de dezvoltare intensa de catre comunitate. Suportul pentru CentOS Linux 8 a fost redus,...

Featured English Rocky Linux project alternative to Centos 8 - community based operating system - GNU/Linux
Rocky Linux project alternative to Centos 8 - community based operating system

Rocky Linux will be a community operating system designed to be 100% compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It is being intensely developed by the community. Support for CentOS Linux 8 has been reduced from May 31, 2029 to December 31,...

Featured Romana CloudLinux se ofera sa dezvolte un fork RHEL - open-source comunitar - GNU/Linux
CloudLinux se ofera sa dezvolte un fork RHEL - open-source comunitar

Red Hat tocmai a ucis CentOS si CloudLinux se ofera sa dezvolte un fork RHEL open-source & Community Driven. Iata ce au declarat: Întrucât mentinem deja sistemul de operare CloudLinux, intentionam sa lansam un fork gratuit,...

Featured English Rumor - The founder of CentOS intends to create a new RHEL fork - - GNU/Linux
Rumor - The founder of CentOS intends to create a new RHEL fork -

It seems that the original founder of Centos ( Gregory M. Kurtzer ) intends to create a new fork of RHEL due to the recent news from Red Hat / IBM regarding the transition to...

Featured Romana Zvon - Fondatorul CentOS intentioneaza sa creeze o noua furca RHEL - - GNU/Linux
Zvon - Fondatorul CentOS intentioneaza sa creeze o noua furca RHEL -

Se pare ca fondatorul initial Centos ( Gregory M. Kurtzer ) intentioneaza sa creeze o noua furca a RHEL datorita stirilor recente aparute de Red Hat / IBM privind trecerea la...

Featured Romana Intel lanseaza oneDNN 2.0 - biblioteca de retea neuronala open-source - GNU/Linux
Intel lanseaza oneDNN 2.0 - biblioteca de retea neuronala open-source

oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) este o biblioteca open-source multiplatforma pentru aplicatii de invatare profunda. Biblioteca este optimizata pentru procesoarele de arhitectura Intel, grafica procesorului Intel si grafica bazata pe arhitectura Xe....

Featured English Intel launches oneDNN 2.0 - open-source neural network library - GNU/Linux
Intel launches oneDNN 2.0 - open-source neural network library

oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) is a cross-platform open-source library for deep learning applications . The library is optimized for Intel architecture processors, Intel processor graphics, and Xe-based graphics. oneDNN has experimental support for the...

Featured Romana Gesturi multi-touch in elementary OS 6 - GNU/Linux
Gesturi multi-touch in elementary OS 6

În OS 6 elementar, se va folosi pentru gesturile multi-touch, Touchégg Daemon pentru a captura evenimentele de intrare si a le comunica catre Gala, managerul de ferestre. Pentru a face gesturile sa functioneze la nivel global, se face uz de Handy, o biblioteca dezvoltata initial...

Featured English SUSE has signed a final agreement to acquire Rancher Labs - GNU/Linux
SUSE has signed a final agreement to acquire Rancher Labs

Rancher is the most used Kubernetes platform for businesses. SUSE is the largest independent open source software company and a leading Linux enterprise . SUSE has signed a final agreement to acquire Rancher Labs, Enterprise Kubernetes Management, based in Cupertino,...

Featured Romana SUSE a semnat un acord definitiv pentru achizitionarea Rancher Labs - GNU/Linux
SUSE a semnat un acord definitiv pentru achizitionarea Rancher Labs

Rancher este cea mai utilizata platforma Kubernetes pentru intreprinderi. SUSE este cea mai mare companie independenta de software open source si un lider Linux pentru intreprinderi. SUSE a semnat un acord definitiv pentru achizitionarea Rancher Labs, Enterprise...

Featured Romana DoudouLinux - o incercare romaneasca esuata de a oferi copiilor o mini-consola de jocuri - GNU/Linux
DoudouLinux - o incercare romaneasca esuata de a oferi copiilor o mini-consola de jocuri

DoudouLinux era un OS care se adresa copiilor, prin " marirea gradului de accesibilitate pentru toti copiii planetei, fara discriminare" . DoudouLinux se bazeaza pe Debian Linux . DoudouLinux asigura zeci de aplicatii...

Featured Romana 25 de ani, de cand Peter Mattis anunta un nou editor de imagini numit GIMP - GNU/Linux
25 de ani, de cand Peter Mattis anunta un nou editor de imagini numit GIMP

Noiembrie 1995 - primul anunt al lansarii beta a "programului general de manipulare a imaginii", „The GIMP” (redenumit ulterior doar „GIMP”). From: Peter Mattis Subject: ANNOUNCE: The GIMP...

Featured English 25 years since Peter Mattis announced a new image editor called GIMP - GNU/Linux
25 years since Peter Mattis announced a new image editor called GIMP

November 1995 - the first announcement of the beta launch of the "general image manipulation program", "The GIMP" (later renamed only...

Featured Romana FOSDEM Dojo, pe 4 si 5 februarie 2021 - GNU/Linux
FOSDEM Dojo, pe 4 si 5 februarie 2021

Echipa CentOS intentioneaza sa continue traditia de a sustine un CentOS Dojo in zilele premergatoare inceperii FOSDEM. Acest eveniment va avea loc online. Apelul pentru prezentari este acum deschis . Programul real va depinde de trimiterile pe care le primesc. Evenimentul ar putea...

Featured English FOSDEM Dojo, on February 4 and 5, 2021 - GNU/Linux
FOSDEM Dojo, on February 4 and 5, 2021

The CentOS team intends to continue the tradition of supporting a CentOS Dojo in the days leading up to the start of FOSDEM. This event will take place online. The call for presentations is now open. The actual schedule will depend on the submissions I receive. The event could be...

Featured Romana O noua tema globala in KDE - Breeze Twilight - GNU/Linux
O noua tema globala in KDE - Breeze Twilight

Breeze Twilight este o varianta a Breeze Default, o varianta intunecata a stilului Plasma. Kubuntu si Fedora au adoptat deja aceasta tema. Necesita Plasma Framework 12.4. Modificarea ar putea intra in vigoare odata cu lansarea Plasma 5.21.

Featured English A new global theme in KDE - Breeze Twilight - GNU/Linux
A new global theme in KDE - Breeze Twilight

Breeze Twilight is a variant of Breeze Default, a dark version of the Plasma style. Kubuntu and Fedora have already adopted this theme. Requires Plasma Framework 12.4. The change could take effect with the release of Plasma 5.21. KDE - Breeze Twilight

Featured Romana Arduino se alatura OpenSFF - Open Source Security Foundation - GNU/Linux
Arduino se alatura OpenSFF - Open Source Security Foundation

Ca si proiect open-source, Arduino a aderat la Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSFF), pentru a asigura ecosistemul open-source. Gazduit la Linux Foundation, OpenSFF reuneste eforturile Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII) si Open Source Security Coalition...

Featured English Arduino joins OpenSFF - Open Source Security Foundation - GNU/Linux
Arduino joins OpenSFF - Open Source Security Foundation

As an open-source project, Arduino has joined the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSFF) to ensure the open-source ecosystem. Hosted by the Linux Foundation, OpenSFF brings together the Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII) and Open Source Security Coalition of...

Featured Romana Linux 5.10 - noutati aduse de noul kernel Linux - GNU/Linux
Linux 5.10 - noutati aduse de noul kernel Linux

Noul Linux 5.10 va putea in curând sa hiberneze si sa reporneasca mult mai repede. Va veni de asemenea cu cateva imbunatatiri notabile. Iata cateva dintre ele: - suport initial bootarea UEFI pe hardware RISC-V datorita inginerilor de la Western Digital. -...

Featured English Linux 5.10 - news brought by the new Linux kernel - GNU/Linux
Linux 5.10 - news brought by the new Linux kernel

The new Linux 5.10 will soon be able to hibernate and restart much faster. It will also come with some notable improvements. Here are some of them: - Initially support UEFI booting on RISC-V hardware thanks to Western Digital engineers. - a new driver for Intel...

Featured Romana 7 lucruri pe care le faci mai repede pe Linux decat pe Windows - GNU/Linux
7 lucruri pe care le faci mai repede pe Linux decat pe Windows

În proportie uriasa cei care testeaza cel putin câteva zile Ubuntu, Linux Mint, openSUSE se declara socati de usurinta cu care aceste distributii se misca, stabilitatea sistemelor, flexibilitatea si siguranta pe care o ofera. DIntre acestea, cei mai multi...

Featured English 7 things you do faster on Linux than on Windows - GNU/Linux
7 things you do faster on Linux than on Windows

A huge proportion of those who test at least a few days Ubuntu, Linux Mint, openSUSE say they are shocked by the ease with which these distributions move, the stability of the systems, the flexibility and security they offer. Of these, most choose to use the GNU / Linux distribution...