Categorie | Featured
Featured Romana 1.000.000 de cursanti inscrisi la cursul gratuit - Introducere in Linux (LFS101) - GNU/Linux
1.000.000 de cursanti inscrisi la cursul gratuit - Introducere in Linux (LFS101)

Acest curs explica instrumentele si tehnicile utilizate de administratorii si utilizatorii finali de sistem Linux utilizate in activitatea zilnica intr-un mediu Linux. Este conceput pentru utilizatorii experimentati, pentru cei cu experienta limitata...

Featured English 1,000,000 students enrolled in the free course - Introduction to Linux (LFS101) - GNU/Linux
1,000,000 students enrolled in the free course - Introduction to Linux (LFS101)

This course explains the tools and techniques used by administrators and end users of the Linux system used in their daily work in a Linux environment.

Featured Romana Xfce 4.16pre1 vine cu o multime de caracteristici noi si imbunatatiri sub capota. - GNU/Linux
Xfce 4.16pre1 vine cu o multime de caracteristici noi si imbunatatiri sub capota.

Xfce 4.16pre1 este prima versiune de dezvoltare a Xfce 4.16. si vine cu o multime de caracteristici noi si imbunatatiri sub capota. Modificari: General - Eliminarea multor coduri (suport Gtk2), imbunatatirea...

Featured English Xfce 4.16pre1 comes with a lot of new features and improvements under the hood. - GNU/Linux
Xfce 4.16pre1 comes with a lot of new features and improvements under the hood.

Xfce 4.16pre1 is the first development version of Xfce 4.16. and comes with lots of new features and improvements under the hood. changes: General - Removal of many codes (Gtk2 support), improvement of...

Featured Romana Crust Technology, cea mai importanta platforma open-source de dezvoltare este finantata de initiativa Next Generation Internet a Comisiei Europene - GNU/Linux
Crust Technology, cea mai importanta platforma open-source de dezvoltare este finantata de initiativ...

Crust Technology Ltd, cu sediul in Irlanda, este finantata de initiativa Next Generation Internet a Comisiei Europene pentru a furniza platforma Corteza ca solutie cloud federata pentru...

Featured English Crust Technology, the most important open-source development platform is funded by the European Commission - GNU/Linux
Crust Technology, the most important open-source development platform is funded by the European Comm...

Crust Technology Ltd, based in Ireland, is funded by the European Commission's Next Generation Internet initiative to provide the Cortex platform as a federated cloud sharing solution for records. Crust, the founder and...

Featured Romana Serviciile publice din Groenlanda, Suedia si in curand Germania folosesc OS2datascanner - GNU/Linux
Serviciile publice din Groenlanda, Suedia si in curand Germania folosesc OS2datascanner

OS2datascanner, scanerul de conformitate GDPR din Danemarca genereaza rapoarte privind respectarea normelor europene privind protectia datelor si confidentialitate. OS2datascanner cauta date sensibile in e - mailuri, fisiere si alte...

Featured English Public services in Greenland, Sweden and soon Germany use OS2datascanner - GNU/Linux
Public services in Greenland, Sweden and soon Germany use OS2datascanner

OS2datascanner, the GDPR compliance scanner in Denmark, generates reports on compliance with European data protection and confidentiality standards. OS2datascanner looks for sensitive data in emails, files and other data sources, stored locally or...

Featured Romana  PHP 8.0.0, Beta 2 continua ciclul de lansare PHP 8.0 - GNU/Linux
PHP 8.0.0, Beta 2 continua ciclul de lansare PHP 8.0

PHP 8.0.0, Beta 2 continua ciclul de lansare PHP 8.0 . Urmatoarea versiune va fi Beta 3, planificata pentru 3 septembrie 2020. - Core: . Fixed bug #78236 (convert error on receiving variables when duplicate...

Featured Romana GNOME 3.38 Beta, lansarea finala pe 16 septembrie - GNU/Linux
GNOME 3.38 Beta, lansarea finala pe 16 septembrie

GNOME 3.38 se preconizeaza a fi lansat intr-o luna din momentul scrierii acestui articol, pe 16 septembrie 2020. GNOME 3.38 Beta marcheaza, inceputul UI Freeze, Feature Freeze si API Freeze, ceea ce inseamna ca nu se vor mai adauga functii noi noi pâna la lansarea...

Featured English GNOME 3.38 Beta, final release on September 16th - GNU/Linux
GNOME 3.38 Beta, final release on September 16th

GNOME 3.38 is expected to be released within a month of writing this article, on September 16, 2020. GNOME 3.38 Beta marks the beginning of UI Freeze, Feature Freeze and API Freeze, which means that no new features will be added until at the final launch. ...

Featured English Mageia 8 artwork contest - GNU/Linux
Mageia 8 artwork contest

The contest starts on July 30, 2020 and will run until August 20, 2020, Mageia will choose 1 official background, 10 additional backgrounds. If you want to participate, it's easy: Please send the paper

Featured Romana Concursul de lucrari de arta Mageia 8 - GNU/Linux
Concursul de lucrari de arta Mageia 8

Concursul incepe pe 30 iulie 2020 si se va desfasura pâna la 20 august 2020, Mageia va alege 1 fundal oficial, 10 fundaluri suplimentare. Daca doriti sa participati, este usor: Va rugam sa trimiteti lucrarea

Featured English GNOME opens an official store - GNU/Linux
GNOME opens an official store

GNOME has a new, official store with a range of GNOME items, including colorful T-shirts, sweatshirts, socks and face masks - all bearing the famous GNOME logo. Of course, the GNOME Foundation makes money from selling every item in the store. After covering his costs, I can't...

Featured Romana GNOME deschide un magazin oficial - GNU/Linux
GNOME deschide un magazin oficial

GNOME are un magazin nou, oficial cu o gama de articole marca GNOME , inclusiv tricouri, hanorace, sosete si masti de fata colorate - toate purtând celebrul logo GNOME. Desigur, Fundatia GNOME face bani din vânzarea fiecarui articol din magazin. Dupa ce-si acopera...

Featured English KDE Plasma 6 porting work - GNU/Linux
KDE Plasma 6 porting work

The possible release date for Plasma 6.0 could be - January 2021?!. Here is a first idea about working on KDE Plasma 6. David Edmundson: "6.0" is a word that brings a lot of excitement but also a lot of apprehension and for good reason. The reason our .0 releases...

Featured Romana Lucrari de portare a KDE Plasma 6 - GNU/Linux
Lucrari de portare a KDE Plasma 6

Posibila data de lansare pentru Plasma 6.0 ar putea fi - ianuarie 2021 ?!. Iata o prima idee despre lucrul la KDE Plasma 6. David Edmundson: "6.0" is a word that brings a lot of excitement but also a lot of aprehension and for good reason. The...

Featured English Play chess in Linux - GNU/Linux
Play chess in Linux

Over 1,200 years old, chess remains a test of strategy, mental ability, computing power and generally a way to use time. GNU Chess at the Free Software Foundation. This is another terminal-based game, not visual eye-candy faorte. GNU Chess

Featured Romana Joaca sah in Linux - GNU/Linux
Joaca sah in Linux

Avand peste 1.200 de ani vechime, sahul ramâne inca un test de strategie, abilitatii mentale, putere de calcul si in general un mod de a folosi timpul util. GNU Chess al Free Software Foundation. Acesta este un alt joc bazat pe terminal, nu forte eye-candy vizual.

Featured English Support for AMD EPYC Rome in Ubuntu Server - GNU/Linux
Support for AMD EPYC Rome in Ubuntu Server

The second generation AMD EPYC, called Rome, with "enhanced" performance and security, was launched in 2019. Support for AMD EPYC Rome has been merged with the Linux kernel since the 5.4 series. Therefore, all versions of Ubuntu with the 5.4 kernel installed support...

Featured Romana Suport pentru AMD EPYC Rome in Ubuntu Server - GNU/Linux
Suport pentru AMD EPYC Rome in Ubuntu Server

A doua generatie AMD EPYC, denumita Roma, cu performante si securitate „intarite”, a fost lansat in 2019. Suportul pentru AMD EPYC Roma a fost contopit cu nucleul Linux incepând cu seria 5.4. Prin urmare, toate versiunile Ubuntu cu nucleul 5.4 instalat...

Featured English Linux distributions that look like MacOS - GNU/Linux
Linux distributions that look like MacOS

The Linux distributions listed below are based on the resemblance to the macOS layout. For some reason, people like the look of Mac OS. Imagine how Ubuntu, Fedora, Manjaro or Solus could look like MacOS. Deepin Linux

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