Categorie | Opinion
Opinion English Answers to the questions of those who want to switch to Linux - GNU/Linux
Answers to the questions of those who want to switch to Linux

There are countless questions that anyone can ask about GNU / Linux based operating systems. We have made a brief summary that includes the most frequently heard questions regarding this type of operating systems as well as the related answers. You can also complete...

Opinion Romana  Revolutia care a transformat aproape peste noapte modul in care arata si se misca sistemele de operare bazate pe Linux - GNU/Linux
Revolutia care a transformat aproape peste noapte modul in care arata si se misca sistemele de oper...

Cu precadere in ultimii ani, suspect de rapid din punctul de vedere a linux-arilor conservatori, are loc o evolutie care a transformat aproape peste noapte modul in care arata, se misca, functioneaza si se simt sistemele...

Opinion English The revolution that transformed the way Linux-based operating systems look and move almost overnight - GNU/Linux
The revolution that transformed the way Linux-based operating systems look and move almost overnight

Especially in recent years, suspected to be fast in terms of conservative Linux, there is an evolution that has transformed almost overnight the way Linux-based operating systems look, move, work and feel. To the joy of most and...

Opinion Romana De ce GNU/Linux nu este adoptat masiv in lume? - GNU/Linux
De ce GNU/Linux nu este adoptat masiv in lume?

Comoditatea, lipsa informarii, spiritul de turma, aroganta, ignoranta si zecile de milioane de dolari investiti de Microsoft de-a lungul timpului in publicitate, acestea ar fi principalele motive identificate de noi care explica reticienta multor români fata de sistemele de operare...

Opinion English Why is GNU / Linux not massively adopted in the world? - GNU/Linux
Why is GNU / Linux not massively adopted in the world?

Convenience, lack of information, herd spirit, arrogance, ignorance and tens of millions of dollars invested by Microsoft over time in advertising, these would be the main reasons identified by us that explain the reluctance of many Romanians to GNU-based operating systems. / Linux....

Opinion Romana Cine este Linux? - GNU/Linux
Cine este Linux?

Linux nu este doar un produs de pe urma caruia compania X sau Y incearca sa obtina profit. Linux, este in ansamblu, rezultatul muncii a numeroase comunitati de utilizatori si dezvoltatori, insa acesta valoreaza mai mult decât suma eforturilor depuse de fiecare individ in parte. Este nevoie de multa ambitie,...

Opinion English Who is Linux? - GNU/Linux
Who is Linux?

Linux is not just a product from which company X or Y tries to make a profit. Linux, as a whole, is the result of the work of many communities of users and developers, but it is worth more than the sum of the efforts of each individual. It takes a lot of ambition, creativity, openness, inspiration and faith in...

Opinion Romana Cum a aparut robotelul verde - mascota Android? - GNU/Linux
Cum a aparut robotelul verde - mascota Android?

O prezenta extrem de frecventa in ultimii ani, un personaj pe care cu totii il cunoastem. Este personificarea sistemului de operare de pe marea majoritate a tabletelor si telefoanelor mobile. Imaginea robotelului verde este cea care ne vine in minte la auzirea sau citirea...

Opinion English How did the green robot - Android mascot - appear? - GNU/Linux
How did the green robot - Android mascot - appear?

An extremely frequent presence in recent years, a character we all know. It is the personification of the...

Opinion Romana Linux-ul care nu m-a dezamagit niciodata - GNU/Linux
Linux-ul care nu m-a dezamagit niciodata

Cei care cititi articolele de pe acest site puteti constata ca sunt prezentate in general acele sisteme de operare adresate cu precadere publicului larg. Site-ul este unul care se adreseaza in special novicilor sau utilizatorilor medii intr-ale Linux-ului, specialistii având,...

Opinion English Linux that never disappoints me - GNU/Linux
Linux that never disappoints me

Those who read the articles on this site may find that those operating systems are generally presented to the general public. The site is one that is addressed especially to novices or average users of Linux, the specialists having, of course, their guaranteed place, but it is not the main target....

Opinion Romana Cum poti simti spiritul Linux simplu, eficient, rapid - GNU/Linux
Cum poti simti spiritul Linux simplu, eficient, rapid

Instalarea unei distributii GNU/Linux este floare la ureche. Oricine a instalat vreodata sistemul de operare Windows poate instala fara probleme si o distributie GNU/Linux. Utilizatorul, daca se decide sa faca trecerea de la Windows la Linux, are de unde alege, deoarece exista...

Opinion English How can you feel the simple, efficient, fast Linux spirit - GNU/Linux
How can you feel the simple, efficient, fast Linux spirit

Installing a GNU / Linux distribution is a breeze. Anyone who has ever installed the Windows operating system can easily install a GNU / Linux distribution. The user, if he decides to make the transition from Windows to Linux, has a choice, because there are a multitude of...

Opinion Romana Printre cei mai misteriosi oameni din istorie - GNU/Linux
Printre cei mai misteriosi oameni din istorie

Au existat si inca exista oameni a caror prezenta se face remarcata pentru perioade scurte sau foarte scurte de timp, oameni despre care inainte nu se stia nimic si care se fac nevazuti ulterior. Aceste aparitii scurte, dar in momente cheie stârnesc curiozitatea deloc nefondata a multora...

Opinion English Among the most mysterious people in history - GNU/Linux
Among the most mysterious people in history

There have been and still are people whose presence is noticeable for short or very short periods of time, people about whom nothing was known before and who become invisible later. These short appearances, but at key moments, arouse the not unfounded curiosity of many of us. Certain...

Opinion Romana Cateva trucuri pentru a achizitiona un laptop mai ieftin - GNU/Linux
Cateva trucuri pentru a achizitiona un laptop mai ieftin

Daca esti in cautarea unui laptop, iti propunem sa citesti cu atentie rândurile de mai jos. Daca vei aplica macar câteva din sfaturile pe care noi ti le oferim, atunci cu siguranta vei face economii, mai mici sau mai mari, asta depinde de tine. ...

Opinion English A few tricks to buy a cheaper laptop - GNU/Linux
A few tricks to buy a cheaper laptop

If you are looking for a laptop, we suggest you read the lines below carefully. If you apply at least some of the advice we offer you, then you will definitely make savings, smaller or larger, it's up to you. 1. Buy laptops that come pre-installed with a GNU / Linux...

Opinion Romana Rogentos -  End of story ... Argent Linux  RIP .... - GNU/Linux
Rogentos - End of story ... Argent Linux RIP ....

Echipa Rogentos (Romanian Gentoo Operating Systems) pare ca s-a destramat ori se afla intr-un mare impas. Sunt afectate mai multe proiecte: initial Kogaion GNU/Linux transformat (revopsit) apoi in Argent Linux aka Argent Workstation, Argent KDE Plasma Workstation, intens...

Opinion English Rogentos - End of story ... Argent Linux RIP .... - GNU/Linux
Rogentos - End of story ... Argent Linux RIP ....

The Rogentos ( Romanian Gentoo Operating Systems) team seems to have fallen apart or is in a great stalemate. Several projects are affected: initially Kogaion GNU / Linux transformed (repainted) then into Argent Linux aka Argent Workstation, Argent KDE Plasma Workstation,...

Opinion English Is SMS on the verge of extinction? - GNU/Linux
Is SMS on the verge of extinction?

SMS, a service of the same age as the first mobile phones to appear, extremely useful in certain situations, continues to exist and is currently used by a significant number of mobile phone owners. This is despite the unprecedented evolution in this field, simple phones becoming in the last...

Opinion Romana SMS-ul este pe cale de disparitie? - GNU/Linux
SMS-ul este pe cale de disparitie?

SMS-ul, un serviciu de aceeasi vârsta cu primele telefoane mobile aparute, extrem de util in anumite situatii, continua sa existe si sa fie folosit in prezent de un numar semnificativ de posesori de telefoane mobile. Asta in ciuda evolutiei fara precedent in acest domeniu, simple telefoane...

Opinion English From history - the openSUSE Romania community - GNU/Linux
From history - the openSUSE Romania community

December 2008 marked the appearance of a new version of the openSUSE linux distribution, namely 11.1. This was probably the most beautiful moment that most openSUSE communities around the world celebrated. In our lands, the launch event of openSUSE 11.1 in December culminated with the...

Opinion Romana Din istorie - Comunitatea openSUSE Romania - GNU/Linux
Din istorie - Comunitatea openSUSE Romania

Luna decembrie din anul 2008 marca aparitia unei noi versiuni a distributiei linux openSUSE, anume 11.1. Probabil acest lucru a fost cel mai frumos moment pe care majoritatea comunitatilor openSUSE de pe glob l-au sarbatorit. Pe meleagurile noastre evenimentul lansarii openSUSE 11.1 din luna...

Opinion English Credibility of web documents - GNU/Linux
Credibility of web documents

About 30 years ago, when the first web page of the Stanford Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory - SLAC - appeared on the Internet, in the virtual public space, in fact, a test page entitled "Slac Home Page for World",...

Opinion Romana Credibilitatea documentelor Web - GNU/Linux
Credibilitatea documentelor Web

Acum aproximativ 30 de ani, când a aparut in spatiul public, virtual, in Internet, prima pagina Web (a laboratorului de fizica particolelor elementare de la Stanford - SLAC - de fapt o pagina de test intitulata "Slac Home Page for World", incarcata la 6 Martie 1992 -...